Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thankful Post

It is so sad that we wait all year to do this, but either way, it honor of Thanksgiving tomorrow, here are some of the things I am thankful for.

I am thankful for the obvious. For my Family. Life would be boring without them there. Mom. Whom I Love to shop with! And my brothers and sister. Whom...Hm...Well, they all drive me nuts even now that I am older, but I Love them. My Nana who I love to sit at the table with and have talks. My Papaw who keeps me entertained as he tells the same stories over and over again. My Aunt Chris, who I really enjoy having pool adventures with. And my Dad...interesting character. I am also thankful for the family that I married into. My Husband, who, is undoubtedly the one for me. Considering we have made it through lots of things that most marriages don't. I am thankful for my daughter, Samantha, who tells me she Loves me every chance she gets. She is unbelievable smart and talented. And I Love her more than anything else in the World. And for Lucy, who gave herself for me and the people that I have helped. And for our cat, Princess.

For the few close friends I do have, especially those who are good listeners. Those who are willing to help me without expecting anything in return. (Although, sometimes I wish CERTAIN PEOPLE would let me do favors for them in return. You know who you are! :)

For the Women's Enrichment Center, whose people welcomed me and gave me a place to belong.

For my church, whose people feel almost like family.

For the peanut butter sandwich I had for lunch yesterday and the chicken I had for dinner. And for the food that I will eat tomorrow and the next day and the next day.

For time. Time with my family playing games and going out to eat, riding in the car, and watching movies together. For the time I have to just sit down and draw or color with Samantha. Or to cuddle up and watch another episode of Magic School Bus. For time to help out in Dalton or go to church or the time I have to spend with friends.

I am grateful that I get to homeschool Samantha. I am thankful that I get to be there and watch Samantha's face light up when she has that AH HA moment and she learns to spell a new word or when she learns something new about a butterfly or a planet or a new word in Spanish. 

I am thankful I know how to read and that I have access to a library.

I am thankful that I know how to cook and that I am able to do that for my family.

I am thankful for my Home. God has Blessed us with a Beautiful home.

I would say there is more than I can list, but those are the main things that come to mind. I have to go back up for the trip to see my Dad...

Here is Samantha's list of things she is thankful for:

"Mom and Dad, because they are the right parents for me!"

"Ladybug Girl Doll and Books."

"Dancing on the stage."

"Princess, even though she tried to claw me."


"My new night clothes."

"That button on the computer and the computer."

"Daddy's Mustang and Mommy's Aveo."

"My Teddy Bear."

"Your bed to sleep in and snuggle in."

"I like Spaghetti and silly faces."

"All my toys in all my room because I have more toys that a lot of kids."

"My Baby sister, that I wish you would have!"

"My mouth and my nose and my toes."

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