Monday, May 14, 2012

I can't contain my excitement...

Ugh. This is so weird. I didn't want another baby before, but now I cannot contain my excitement. Anyway, Jessie and I decided to get settled into the house first and then start trying around July. Gosh, I SOOO hope he doesn't change his mind!

Sam is so excited! She keeps talking about everything she is going to help me do for the baby. And how she wants to go to the doctor with me. And she will share her toys. And so on. I think she will be a good big sister, and there will be a decent age gap, so I am hoping there won't be too much fighting as they get older. 

There is so much I want to do different this time around. With Sam, it was like I just did everything my Mom did-since she was pregnant too. And I didn't know what I was doing. And I didn't really do much research. I just trusted what the doctors told me I needed. We went to the same doctor. Delivered at the same place.  We even lived in the same apartment. lol. Just, did everything the same. 

This time I will get to stay home with the baby from the beginning, which I am ecstatic about! She (yes, she-lol) will have her VERY OWN room! That we can paint and decorate. I want to breastfeed. (Christina, I am gonna need your support here, because I gave up last time. I had no support. Even Jessie was like, "Whatever you want to do is fine.") I want to cloth diaper. I always wanted to do that with Sam, but I just felt like between her being in daycare and my Mom saying I wasn't using her washer for dirty diapers, I gave up on that too. I definitely want to carry the baby in a sling. Yah, that sounds stupid I am sure, but that is very important to me. I tried carrying Sam in a sling, but I kept buying them used, and they weren't the right size, so I really want to get a brand new one that fits this time. I don't want to use jarred baby food. I want to make it myself-as stupid as that may sound too. I want to do more research into vaccinations. Sam is done with hers, so there is no changing my mind now. But I do want to look more into it this time. Those are the main things I want to do different, just enjoy it more. There will be none of that, waking up at 7 to rush out the door to school and then coming home to do homework while Jessie works until midnight. So that will be nice. I didn't get to start REALLY enjoying Sam until she was almost two. And I regret that. 

By the way, just for the record, we are going to use the Shettles Method to hopefully conceive a girl. I want a baby more than Jessie does, of course, but we both want a girl. lol

UPDATE: Samantha took a late nap today, so Jessie helped me with a new recipe I was trying for dinner-Loaded Baked Potato Soup. I had so much fun cooking and talking with him. It was like a little mini date since we haven't been able to go out lately because the whole house thing-which is still going well. :) We discussed the baby some more, and he asked what I would want to name her. I told him I had looked up some names, but wasn't sure. He mentioned a name we had thought about right after Sam was born. (I remembered it, but I didn't mention it because I wasn't sure if he remembered.) After we talked about spelling and all, we have decided between two possibilities-Maegan Marie (May-gen). Or, something that starts with an L. He wanted to name her Lucy-after Lucy-but I told him I didn't think that was right to give her Lucy's name, so we are considering looking at L names to name her after Lucy, but we are not sure. 

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