Friday, June 5, 2020

Our Feet Will Be Dirty Together

I haven't always loved my Husband. 

Is that a weird thing to say or is it normal? 

I feel like we fell in and out of love for the first several years of marriage. 

We just barreled through because we didn't want a divorce. 

Neither of us knew how to do it alone. 

But there was a whole year where I couldn't bare to even look at him. 


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Now I have never loved him more than I have the past two years. 

And I know there will be tough years and struggles, but those early days-they are behind us.

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Last week, after a long day of building the coop and working on the truck together, we lay down on the bed drenched in sweat. It was 2 AM and all the kids were asleep. And there we were, with our grease covered feet poking over the edge of the bed-the baby pushing us both two one side of the bed. I was tired and felt disgusting, but I was content, because our feet were dirty together. 

And I am reminded that over all these years, we have not grown apart-but together. 

Our hobbies, our passions, our callings. 

Then I remember what first drew us together.
It was God. He lead this marriage from the start. 

As we shared what we felt were God's callings on our lives at only 14 and 15 years old....I had not idea the twists and turns it would take us to get here. 

June 1st marked 13 years together and I have never felt so heavy the calling of God on our lives and our marriage. There is something about having God in the middle of our relationship that makes me love like I never have before. 

A kind of love that makes me want to wash the dirty feet of my Husband. 

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