Monday, July 4, 2016

I cannot believe it has been almost a decade since I got pregnant/had a newborn. There is just no way. Well, my body is telling me otherwise. This pregnancy has been totally different than being pregnant with S. I mean, I know all pregnancies are different anyway, but this one has been harder on my body. Yet, I don't have any red flags medically like I did with S. (low iron, toxemia, etc.) Some things, however are easier this time around too.

Our circumstances are also VERY different this time around also. With S, I was in school still. We lived with my Mom and Jessie went to school and worked full time at Wendy's. During my first trimester, I threw up once a morning and smells didn't really bother me. I slept all through my first trimester-during class. Second trimester, I felt a lot better. We walked a lot of places. I don't remember the heat much that Summer. And third trimester, I was back in school. It flew by. I don't remember being miserable at all during that time either. I got a Charley Horse once in the middle of the night. Jessie thought I was in labor because it scared me so bad, I woke up crying. And then there was one night I woke up in the middle of the night crying for no apparent reason. It grasped Jessie out a little, but he started up with me for an hour while I sobbed uncontrollably. I also had one craving the entire time I was pregnant and that was for Subway's chicken teriyaki sub. Although I did have a strong preference toward pizza. But it was not a craving. I remember calling Jessie and yelling at him because Subway was closed and he couldn't get my sub. I thought I was going to die without it.

This time around, some things are harder. Like...

My morning sickness made me want to put a stake in my heart. Although it didn't start at 4 weeks like it did with S, it started closer to 7-8, and I thought I was DYING. At that point, I would have done anything for it to be over. We are still recovering from the amount of money we spent feeding DH and S fast food 2-3 meals a day and running to the store to grab the only food that I could keep down that day, which was usually a frozen pizza. Until I got sick on those too and all I could eat were Kix. Oh, until I got sick with those. Then it was crackers. The word "food" made me puke. Literally. DH learned not to elude to the word food. And S learned not to ask what was for dinner. DH said he had never seen anybody actually throw up just from the suggestion of the word. I cared about nothing. I had a lot of depression going on. That has been the absolute hardest part of my pregnancy. It got off to a very rough start.

Muscle pain is another thing I have suffered with more this time around. I'm sure it is in part due to the physically demanding lifestyle we lead. Why slow down when I can help with Summer Camp and go kayaking and to Six Flags, no roller coasters. I just don't want to miss out this Summer and it doesn't effect the baby. In fact, playing tennis and riding bikes does the baby good! She is always so happy and moving around when I'm doing those things. So I've had to rely a lot on Epsom Salt baths and lavender back rubs. Hubby even set up a prenatal massage for me closer to time. I frequently wake up in the night with leg cramps because I apparently try to try to stretch out ny calves in my sleep and that causes them to cramp up. DH just knows now and he helps me rub my legs until it goes away.

Responsibilities make this pregnancy a bit harder. I am still in charge of all the house work: cooking, cleaning, bills, transporting S, rubbing Hubby's feet after work, errands... You name it, it's my job. At the beginning of my second trimester,as soon as I was functioning again, I did my semi annual house scrub down and had DH move all the furniture so I could clean under it. I even set up the rooms for Sam and Sarah. Which was lots of rearranging. I get up with DH before work and make his breakfast and lunch. Well, you get the picture. In school, the work was so easy, I could sleep through most of class and still pass. I came home and my Mom was so picky about how the food was made, she wouldn't let me help cook. I occasionally cleaned, but our room stayed clean and the only other room that I was allowed to touch really was the living room and I wasn't quite as picky about messes since it wasn't my house. I figured if my Mom didn't care that the coffee table was stuffed full of papers and trash, neither did I. I also didn't care for 4 animals and a child either. So I had much less to do. My biggest responsibility was homework. Which was also a breeze. Of course I rather have all these responsibilities than still be at someone's house, but it is different.

Knowing more about pregnancy and the possibilities of different possibilities keeps me on edge. It isn't as bad as it used to be, but I find that DH and I are always like, "IF blank happens..." "In case she comes around 24 weeks..." Etc. Etc. We have even tried to prepare S for the possibility of loss at birth. Then again, on the other side, I do like being more knowledgeable about natural birth and breast feeding and all. I have set myself up for success this time by reading more, going to classes, and talking to friends who do everything I want to do.

Some things have been easier, mostly due to our circumstances. Like....

The fact that we can both drive now and have cars. We don't have to rely on other people to take us to my appointments. We actually got to pick the doctor we wanted and we get to schedule them on days that work for us.

We have the money to buy everything we want and need for the baby. Having a few years to collect stuff helped, but it has also been nice being able to make last minute purchases, like the baby seat I wanted for her. And, oh, I don't know, a bra that will actually fit me right so I can nurse comfortably. We've even been able to find some used nursing tops and night clothes. I actually have maternity night clothes. How neat is that? I still buy things uses. It only makes sense if I can. But if we need to, it has been nice to pick last minute stuff up at the store.

We know what we are doing this time. We know what the baby needs. And also we know how to speak up for ourselves.

My Husband knows how to be a Dad and Husband. He knows what to expect when she is born, so he is super excited -as well as a bit nervous. He knows how to help me and care for me. He has been rubbing lotion on my back every night because I'm not sleeping because my muscles. And because I'm bigger and I am not used to it. And in general, we know how to be married, so the added stresses of being pregnant is actually a breeze. The first trimester sucked for me, but he handled it well. He didn't almost crack until the very end when I had morning sickness AND a HORRIBLE stomach bug and I couldn't even hold down water. And ever since I got better, little things like me being a bit moodier or tired isn't cause for argument. Back when I was pregnant with S, we argued about anything and everything because he didn't even move in until I was 4 months pregnant. Not to mention, he was exhausted from school and work. I cant say I blame him. But I do have to say I am proud of us for making it past it. Although, I wouldn't go back there again.

Being healthier. I haven't had any health problems (so far) and I definitely attribute that to living a healthier life style. Including taking my food based prenatal. Last time I didn't take my prenatal at all. We ate out-a lot, like basically every meal. And I never exercised. I played Guitar Hero while Jessie was at work.

Having our own place DEFINITELY does not hurt. Having our own space all to ourselves so I can nap if I want to-in peace. We have our own VERY comfy bed that is adjustable for my back. It vibrates to massage my back if Jessie isn't here. And we have equipped it with my pregnancy pillows so that I can be EXTRA comfy.
I feel like a princess this time around. Even though I'm not laid up in bed all day every day, not washing dishes or doing laundry, I still feel like we have it made this time around.    

Okay, so basically our circumstances have made it easier on us this time. Nothing physically so far. Except, I'm PRAYING labor. Maybe it was because I was younger. Maybe I didn't pay as much attention. But this time I definitely FEEL pregnant more than I did last time. In fact, I'm already struggling to bend over. S is really having to do her part around here, like putting up pots in the drawer under the stove or feeding the dogs because ai cant bend behind the dryer to fill up their bowls. But she has no complaints. She has been sweet about it, which really helps.

I have really enjoyed being pregnant this time. Minus the first trimester. Since I got better, it has flown by. And I cant believe I am well on my way to 24 weeks! I can't wait to meet Miss Sara Marie!!!

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