Friday, May 20, 2016

I Can't Believe I'm Having

My ultrasound was yesterday. The woman turned on the screen and the first thing we saw was the baby' tight up on the screen. The tech said it was as if she was sitting on a glass chair and she knew exactly what she was. (Said the baby couldn't have been better for her) She asked Sam to guess. And Sam said boy. (because you know what it looks like early on for girls. But she told her she was having a SISTER!!! Sam was in complete awe. The tech showed us each part and explained why it wasn't a boy. Samantha LOVED seeing the baby move around on the screen. Although, she is much tighter in there than she was last ultrasound. We got about 8 photos. The heartbeat was 153 and everything looks healthy. Of course she can't diagnose anything, but she said if she had had any concerns she would have called the doctor in. What a huge relief. We spent the rest of the day announcing to the family and friends, going to lunch, eye doctor and REGISTERING! That was so much fun. Everybody was into it. We scanned several items. And received a gift bag with all sorts of breastfeeding and cloth diaper friendly gifts! (as opposed to bottle samples and wipes) Jessie absolutely loved the Mamaroo seat I want for the baby. We actually almost bought it right there, but decided to look for a good deal. After we left, we ate diner and then I had a board meeting while DH was at Bible Study. DH was a little let down when we found out she was a girl. He can't wait to have her, but he said he didn't realize how much he wanted a boy until he found out it was a girl. (We were all just so sure it was a boy! He had his hopes up I think.) But he says it is just God keeping him motivated to adopt. :) We decided on a name awhile back, Sara Marie. Marie is mine (and Lucy's middle name) and Sara is a name we talked about a few months before I got pregnant. We were all riding down the road discussing names and Sam said she wanted her sister to have an S name like her. Jessie suggested Sara and I just could not stop thinking of Sara and Abraham and how perfect that would be. We all agreed we liked it. Once we found out she was a girl, we went back and forth on the spelling and talked about considering other names. But when my niece told my brother we should name the baby Sara (before we even told him we had picked that name), we knew that was the name God had given her. Sara Marie and Samantha Anne. Sam and I talked about room decor today. (DH is not so into room decor.) We are going with purple but can't decide whether to accent with dandelions, trees/birds, or those cute Pinterest flowers.

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