Friday, May 8, 2015


This was written over a period of 3 days.  There has been so much, energy bouncing around though. We have been here and there and here again. (Mentally and Physically) So there hasn't been much time.

I am feeling super encouraged. Very pumped today. So many positive vibes all over the place.  I have so much excess energy because of my excitement. And I'm too heat exhausted to go outside and run some more so I'm going to let it all out here.

Today was Field Day for CHEA and then we went fishing with some CHEA friends.  So my eyes, are closing slowly as I type.

There are no other words for Field Day aside from the word success.

When I had Samantha, one of the main reasons I swore never to homeschool was that I didn't want her to miss out on all that fun stuff.  As a child,  I counted down to events such as Field Day.  I lived for them.  That was the day of no schoolwork.  We got there,  started first thing in the morning. Played all sorts of competitive games. Cooled down with some water games. Went in class.  Had snacks. And watched movies the rest of the day.  THAT was the life. So before we decided to homeschool Samantha, we had to find a way to give it all to her. The memories. Of Field Day. And Christmas Parties. And Valentine Parties. And we did. We found CHEA.

Now many people say, "It just isn't the same." But I say, "It is even better!" Better still. Samantha agrees. Because not only does she get the celebrations, but they last the entire day. And in cool places. Like the skating rink. And then when she is done, instead of going back to class to cool off, she goes home to nap if she pleases. And I help plan it all, so she gets to see the process and put in her input. (Last Christmas she helped pick the craft.)

I digress.

Field Day starts at 9:45. Luck for us it isn't at 8:00 because we were in a hurry to get there at 9:45. We forgot we needed to bring a dessert, so we had to drop into WalMart and pick something up. We did get there in time for sign ups. She got her tag. We visited. Usually all the parents need to volunteer in some area, but the Field Day coordinator says she doesn't give the Board a specific job because they tend to keep the whole thing running smoothly. So I was able to be with Samantha. She visited with friends. I realized how many close new friends she made throughout this year. And how independent she has become, as she ran the races and played the games without needing me right by her side. Of course she always showed me her ribbons she won-1st place in sack race 2nd place in long jump and javelin throw, and 3rd in the track race and hopping. (The rest were not competitive games.) They played a few group games for fun. Throwing marshmellows. And a water game where they use sponges to fill the cup. And the parachute. Classic. Some of the parents did a sack race I figured....why not? I won 2nd place in that. (Samantha must have gotten her winning streak from me.) CHEA provided a pizza for each family for lunch. Hubby made it on lunch to see Samantha, meet one of my friend's husbands, and join in on some of the goodies. And it doesn't end there. Samantha went with her friend, Sammie, to the playground by the field we were in. I cleaned up and finished visiting with some of the families I hadn't seen in awhile. We discussed the upcoming Board-on which I will be President! (More about that later. Sam is stoked.)

And today (Friday) we went on a small somewhat impromptu trip with some CHEA friends to a u-pick strawberry orchard.  She picked some awesome, juicy strawberries.  Visited with friends.  All the kids were teaching each other about this calf at the farm and some of its behaviors.  They discussed tadpoles and how they develop. I visited with friends. The kids wrote messages to us and brought them to the table giggling.  One of which said, "I am going to stay forever." I thought they would all die laughing. They didn't want to leave. Once we finally got in the car,  Samantha looked at me and said,  "I think God gave us CHEA because he wanted these people in our lives to learn from and be friends with. I'm glad he did." My heart melted.  We found the right group for sure.   We came home and baked 2 strawberry cakes.  Which were YUMMY! S and I discovered we LOVE strawberries. Sam played in her pool while they baked.  After that I planned to chill, but got wrapped up starting my potatoes. And what do you know if that didn't end up with a trip to ACE hardware.  (A friend mentioned they had non-governmental plants super cheap there.) I bought several 4 packs for $1.50 apiece. What was supposed to be just a potato and Jalepeno garden turned into potatoes,  Jalepenos, Banana Peepers,  Bell Peppers, and, Tomatoes. I had to exercise serious self control after that.  We discussed growing plants and feeding them and all. It was good fun.  Garden season is here!!!!

I am just sitting down now. S is paying with Legos. And I'm exhausted.  This heat....I LOVE IT!!! This is how it should be. At the end of the day,  we should both be exhausted. (S has been paying out at 10, and for those that know her- THAT'S EARLY! )

This school year has been great. And it isn't ending for us.  We have the Bird-A-Thon celebration, a Raptor demonstration,  art classes for S, a tour around an Impressionism exhibit, the opening of her gallery, Summer camp....and that's just what we know so far.

I'm feeling encouraged.  Some days I don't. Some days I question myself. But these days I know we are doing the right thing.

Good things are coming.  I'm know soon S will have a sibling. I just know it. I'm feeling encouraged and nobody can knock me down.  Soon my garden will produce this year.  I just know it. I'm feeling encouraged and nobody can knock me down.  Soon things will start changing. S will stay learning more.  She will hit that 7 year old stage. And things will click.  I just know it.  I'm feeling encouraged.  And nobody can knock me down.  Soon is coming.

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