Sunday, December 2, 2012

Laminate Project

Well, last week we started on one of the first really big projects for the house. (Which is why I have been MIA.) We put in laminate and we painted! In the beginning, it was AWFUL! TERRIBLE! We just could not agree on the same laminate. We still kind of can't, but we ended up compromising. After over an hour of fighting about how I am "cheap" and the laminate I picked looked "trashy." And blah blah. And me telling him that he doesn't know how to follow a budget, and he isn't looking at the big picture of how everything will look together-the cabinets and floors in the kitchen, the paint in the living room, our decor....Anyway, we finally settled on one. When we got home, we got to work and actually started working together. Jessie pulled up all the carpet and underlay and nails, etc. I started painting. I got most of it done the first night. Then we woke up in the morning and I finished painting. And Jessie had to repeatedly run to the store because he kept forgetting stuff....That was most of his day. By time he got back, I was done painting. For the next two days after that, he made countless trips to the store...He either forgot something, got the wrong thing, or SOMETHING. It was always something. We finished late Thursday night-aside from clean up and decorating. (Jessie's last day of vacation was Thursday.) SHOOT ME if I ever do that again! So many ups and downs. Long days and nights. Bleh. Not fun. 

Although, it did turn out AMAZING! I love our new floor. It makes the whole living room look like a different room-especially since we painted it and we changed up the trim. I am also working on decorating-in progress. Most of what I am doing for now I have already done, but I do have a huge clock and mirror that I want to put up. I just have to repaint them white and find something strong enough to hold them on the wall. 

We also took a break Wednesday night and took Sam to Pottery City to make ornaments. Jessie picked out and painted our ornament. He picked two mice in a stocking. And I did our family ornament-which was a house. I wrote, "Our First House" on it. Sam did one for her and the cat. Hers was a reindeer and the cat's was-a cat. We thought it would be appropriate since she is the newest member of our family. I am going to make an ornament for Lucy this year. Every year I make her a different angel ornament-always purple. One year I sewed an angel. The next year I did salt dough. This year, I think I will do wooden. We also went and got our tree from Weaver's. We got a really good deal, so we took Sam out to eat at Chili's. It was a very nice break. We just decorated the tree tonight. We do a very traditional tree. No lights or tinsel. We use pinecones, snow, the traditional candy cane for what it symbolizes, only family ornaments and homemade ornaments, and this year we are adding in some traditions from the past. One tradition is a tradition from Germany, where one of the parents hides a pickle (we have a pickle ornament) in the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve, and the one who finds is said to receive a special blessing in the new year. We are also going to do the Christmas nail. I had never heard of it until this year, so that will be a neat, meaningful tradition to start. 

Here are some pics of the living room: 

Hm...well, Blogger says that I am out of room to post until I decide what to do, here is the link to my FB to see the photos.

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