Saturday, November 24, 2012

Late Thanksgiving Post and Christmas

Because we have all been extremely sick. Bleh.

So instead of going to my Dad's, he decided to come here because he just isn't settled in his new place yet. But I am glad that he decided to come here because Wednesday night about 30 minutes after he got to our house, Sam threw up everywhere. I still took her to Walmart because she has been doing that from time to time over the last 6 months. She just throws up randomly, and then she is fine. Apparently not. She threw up again at WalMart. And then again every 30 minutes after that, on the way home, at home, while she was sleeping. She couldn't even keep Sprite down. We played games for a few hours, and she slept beside me, and then for bed, I laid next to her all night, which meant zero sleep the night before Thanksgiving. And as soon as it was time for me to get up, she started feeling better.

So I went and cooked and she just slept the rest of the day. (Surprisingly, my lack of sleep didn't bother me.) It took all day for us to cook (9 am to 8 pm) because we were going to make the briquette on the grill, but about an hour after we put it on, we ran out of propane. So we put it in the oven. The turkey finished way before the briquette, since the turkey was only 2 lbs, and the briquette was 7! So we decided to have a turkey lunch and a briquette dinner. Not a good idea. TOO MUCH FOOD! We ate cajun turkey and then a little bit of eat side: corn, green beans, red potato mashed potatoes, rice, and mac and cheese. Poor Sam didn't eat anything but dry cereal. The cat has more Thanksgiving food than she did. For dinner, she has some mac and cheese, but that was it. And we all ate briquette and then more of the sides! Makes me feel sick just thinking about it. I ended up making homemade yellow cake and chocolate icing. It was amazing! We ate half of it the night before. But I was way to full to eat it on Thanksgiving. Oh, and I also failed to mention, we made chili cheese dip for an appetizer and we were eating on it all day also...I am still not hungry.

Black Friday went okay for me. I went with my Dad. Technically we left Thursday night. We went to WalMart. I found some good deals on stuff. I got MIL one of those tart Awarmers, and then got one for the house too. (They were having a HUGE sale!) Got some dishes-but I gotta wait for Christmas until we can use them because they are my gift "from Jessie." lol (We need new dishes. We are down to two plates.) And then I got Sam a cardboard castle, one of the ones you color on like the house she got for her 3rd birthday. (I know I posted pictures.) Anyway, it is 6 foot tall! She can fit in it with us and the cat! She Loves it! We went ahead and gave it to her. Mostly because she saw it in the buggy-haha. It was only $10.00 and seeing how happy she was when we gave it to her, made us not feel as anxious to give her her iPod early-not that we will, but we so badly want to! Okay, Okay, so only half of what I got was for Christmas, but I am still on budget because I saved so much money. Ha Ha Ha.

After we went to WalMart, we tried to go to the mall, but that was a no-go because I just did not feel good. I came home and Jessie was throwing up, all night and the next day. (He had to call into work.) He got it way worse than I did. I threw up one time, but I just felt sick and weak the rest of the night and the next day. But like I said, we are all better now.

As far as Christmas goes, I am still waiting on some stuff to come in the mail, mostly her stocking stuff. Her iPod came in yesterday. :D Before we give it to her on Christmas, we are going to charge it and load some of her favorite apps on it. And put the case on it. She is going to be thrilled! All we have left to get her is the Cinderella Carriage. And then I have to finish my shopping for my family, and I have absolutely NO CLUE what to get Jess! He is spoiled. He already has so much. And there was one year where I just got him a ton of video game stuff, because I know about video games. I don't know ANYTHING about hunting, except what he tells me, but nothing about "hunting gadgets."

We have lots planned: First, it seems that Christina is getting kicked out of her house on the 2nd-just for the day. Ha Ha. And since Jessie will not be here-He will be at her house.-then we are having a wrapping party here. :) I am wanting to try a new idea this year that I think will look good with the house. (Yes, I like for my wrapping to decently match he way the house is decorated.) I am going to buy those brown paper craft bags and just use ribbon to accent the bags. And maybe let Sam decorate a few of them with markers. Of course we are doing ornaments and getting a Christmas tree. We are going to read stories about Christmas and watch movies. I put some books on hold at the library, about the Story of Jesus. That way we can read some books with a message. We will also read silly books about reindeer and whatnot. We already watched some movies. We watched Frosty and Frosty Returns as we all laid in bed last night whining about how sick we felt. lol (But we are much better today.) Bake Cookies and Homemade Hot Chocolate of course. I think Sam and I will do that the day we get the tree. And of course lights, like Christina mentioned-the Christmas house!  There is a nativity scene set up there, and think that would be the perfect time to introduce the story-Again. I am hoping at church they will do something like they were talking about the nativity scene or a play. I wrote some lesson plans for church for December that all focus on the Story of Jesus's Birth. And then some crafts and coloring sheets and take home sheets. (And of course we will reinforce that at home.) Samantha has made it abundantly clear that she knows Santa is not real, but she still wants to do the letter to Santa online like she did last year, and then I may have her write one out to send out at Macy's since they are doing that donation project. And then, lastly, I am sure dance will be keeping us busy in the weeks to come!

I just started looking up traditional Christmas traditions and trees. Hopefully I have more luck with that than with Thanksgiving! I also started decorating again, but I will post pics later when we get the tree up-which will be later this week. 

Side Note: The first time Sam threw up, she ruined the living room carpet-even moreso than it was already. It won't come up. You can see it very clearly, SO Jessie said we can go ahead and buy the laminate and do the floors while he is on vacation this week! And we are going to paint! YAY! So we are going to get to re-do the living room before Christmas this year. I am so excited because it is going to look even prettier with the tree in it now!

So we are going to spend a few days doing that. And then another day we are going to go to River City Pottery for us to paint our family ornaments and have them glazed. And right after that, we are going to get our Christmas tree and bring it home to decorate! (We used to get our tree the day after Thanksgiving every year, but since Jessie has to work on Black Friday and he isn't supposed to call in the day after a holiday-unless he is truly sick, I think we are going to start having him take some vacation time like he is doing this year and do a bunch of Christmas activities while he is off.)

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