Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sam's Letter to God

The other day, Sam and I were talking about her "baby sister." I asked her if she would be mad if we couldn't give her one. And then we discussed that God is the one who gives babies to people, etc. etc. Here is what she said, "Well, since Santa isn't real, I will just write a letter to God and ask him for a Baby Sister." Christina told me I should let her, so I did, and this is what it said,

Dear God,

I want a diaper bag for Mommy. Oh, and a Baby Sister. Please, please make her so Mommy and Daddy won't be sad anymore. And we will be happy. Because I am going to be thankful for her. And I am going to wake up in the night and run through the hall. And I will go into my Baby Sister's room. And tiptoe, and tiptoe. And if she wakes up, I will take her to the living room. And if she pooped on herself, I will get a diaper and change her and then wash it under the sink and use it again. (She is referring to cloth diapers.) And in the morning I will take her to the waterfall. I will be a great Big Sister. Oh, and PLEASE let me put her in that activity table. I promise I will talk to you later.
Dear-God (What she meant was Amen.)

Then she signed "Sami"

She also drew a picture of the house and Me, Her, Jessie, Her "Baby Sister," and Princess. Then she had me draw a picture of a paci, a diaper bag, the activity table, which she is obsessed with BTW, Christina. And a highchair.

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