Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Post 2012

Christmas went well. Jessie volunteered to work part of his weekend last weekend so that he would get a 4 day weekend for Christmas. So This week he had Saturday through Tuesday off.

Saturday, we went to "Christmas at the Farm." Unfortunately, it was terrible. First of all, Sam felt awful, but we went anyway because she was still able to function. I asked her if she felt like going, and she said she wanted to, so we did. It was nice that they had a hayride and cookies and hot chocolate inside this little kitchen area. Then you go outside to a tent and they have a craft for the kids. (It was a scratch board cross.) But that is where it got sketchy...It seemed like all they were doing after that was advertising their church. They handed out bags with flyers in them about the church, which would have been fine had they stopped there, but then they kept saying, "These are the kinds of crafts we do in OUR Sunday school." People just kept coming up and saying at OUR church this and at OUR church that. Which, again, wasn't too bad. I understand they would love to have new members and they would love to have people come to church who have not "met" God. But here is the kicker, we went to the Live Nativity...Or "Drama" as they called it. I was so excited. They had people dressed in character, waiting at one side of the bridge, holding people in line before the next show started. I was too excited for words, but as the play started, it didn't seem anything like anything from the Bible...I am really not sure what it was..I couldn't understand. But about 2 minutes after they talked, and I am really not sure who is who, and there was not even a baby Jesus, even a fake doll...But they handed of the mic to people who were not in costume so they could talk about the nice things that they have done and how they serve and how you should come to their church and serve. WHAT?! I honestly thought Sam was going to get to experience a play, not any play, but an interpretation of the manger scene from the Bible. And she didn't get to...I was very let down. Next year, I am going to discuss with my pastor and see if we can do something at our church. I would like to have the kids put on a play. Most of our kids will be 5 next year. 95% of them were born the same year as Sam. And the only baby we really have is Rowen, my little sister. So they will be old enough to act in a short play, and it would add some meaning to Sam's Christmas. Anyway...

We also had our "Christmas Celebration" at Christina's last week. It was a lot of fun. We had tacos. That is one thing even Sam will eat. And then I brought blondies for dessert. Sam was super excited to give Grace her gift, and she loves her gift from Grace. She hung the painting up on the refrigerator and the pictures are in her room. :) The boys enjoyed themselves playing their games. And of course Christina and I watched the kids play and talked.

And now, to Christmas. It went well overall. I woke Sam up at 6 o'clock. She opened her gifts. There was only one she didn't really like. (I could tell she was faking it.) I couldn't wait for her to get her iPod, because I knew she would jumping up and down excited over that...But she wasn't...She opened it up and saw the cord first. She thought that was her gift. We told her to keep digging. Then she found the casing...We told her to keep digging. And when she finally found the iPod, she gave us a big smile, but that was it. I told her that it was all Daddy's idea and that he had worked extra hard for it, so she gave him a hug and told him Thank You, but that was it. I know she liked it. That is just how she is. She doesn't get too overly excited about opening gifts or "Oh yay, it is Christmas morning..." I know I have said that before, but I honestly thought this year would be different considering she is older now.

Once she woke up a little more, she got a little bit more into it. We went to my Nana's and had breakfast. I made crockpot breakfast casserole, so we took that over there and my Nana made gravy and biscuits to go with it. Samantha had tons of stuff to open from my Mom, Grandparents, and my Aunt. (I Love that we get most of my family at one stop. It is more relaxing that way. lol) We were there for a pretty long time. Then we went to my Mamaw's. After that, we came home for an hour. Sam took a nap since she is still not feeling well. And then we went to Jessie's Mom's house.

She got some cool new toys that we have been playing with all week! (She finally feels back to normal today.) The house is filled with lots of new games and of course new princess stuff and baby stuff. She got  from us, most of the important stuff I posted on here, and then she got the Cinderella carriage and a small Aurora carriage, princess baby dolls, a miniature Tinkerbell doll set, a Cinderella Duplo Lego set, tons of games, books, a DRUM SET! From my brother...Some art supplies and craft sets, baby dolls and doll items. (We went Christmas Eve to get this baby doll we had just found out Sam wanted. I was so broken hearted when we found out it wasn't there. Some "jerk" bought the last one. Well, turns out that "jerk" was Jessie's brother and sister in law. The got it for Sam. Oops. :)

Once we got home, I cleaned the house up. And...took the tree down. :( I hated to do it, but it had to be done. It was dropping pretty bad and leaning from where the cat kept attacking it and the ornaments and gifts, and we kept having to move the tree to get the cat out from behind it when it clawed at the wall. It was a mess...Anyway, so everything is all put up now. All we have up for Christmas now is the wreath on our door and the nativity on the table. But now that means I can finish repainting the baseboards from where we put the floor in and never got to finish because of the tree being in the way.

Stockings, Cat Gifts and German Pickle Ornament

Breakfast Casserole
They were both still asleep.

Giving My Mom The Stank Eye...I can't remember why though.

Playing With Brennon's New Toys

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