Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Vacation Over

Well, it is the New Year. I am super excited. Lots of good stuff is going to happen this year! 

First of all, Sam will be registered with the school board and legally be considered in Kindergarten. We hopped on the learning train a long time ago, but we have been lazy through the holidays, focusing on the story of Jesus and baking and spending a lot of time with family, and I definitely don't think there is anything wrong with that. I just want to get back on her space lessons and games and such. So today we went to the library. Got some new books for both of us. And then we came home and made a constellation box and talked about constellations and watched The Magic School Bus Sees Stars. We played some board games. (She got a really cute game called The Ladybug Game for Christmas. It is a little complex, but she is definitely getting it.) Played a little of her new game called Explore the Globe for her Leap Pad. Then we curled up and read some of her library books. My favorite thing to do with her. I would say it was a productive day, and it isn't even over. 

Anyway, another exciting thing that should be happening this year is that we are putting the finishing touches on our group and individual counseling and will be starting our first official group this Spring, which I am sure I have mentioned before. And I will also be speaking at a church in Dalton soon too. It is a pretty big church, so I am pretty nervous. But it is a huge step, so I am definitely ready for it. 

Hm...Sam's first real family vacation! I think we have settled on going to Savannah. Nothing too big, but sounds like a lot of fun. I will start planning that in February once we decide of that is for sure where we are going.

And *hopefully* at some point this year, I will get pregnant. I only got 12 chances. ;p We have been talking more about it. Jessie wants a boy, and not that we get to chose, but I think I would be okay with it now. Not sure what changed my mind. I have been back and forth, but I am cool either way, just like I was with Sam. I am sure whatever we have, they will have their own special spot in our family.

And then the usual...I am looking forward to the Homeschool Expo in July! And birthdays. Sam will be 5! But I am not planning her birthday-yet! And all the seasons. I can't wait for Summer. To go camping and swimming again! Ah! I just can't wait. 2013 is going to be good.

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