Friday, November 2, 2012

Bible Study Progress

The training/Bible group for the post abortive study is going really really well. The ladies in there are so amazing, and the leaders really have a way of making you feel special, even during the week when we aren't in group. (They are giving us so many great ideas to take back to our center.) Last week they sent out cards with personal messages for everybody. It was sweet. Unfortunately, we only have one more week of class left, and then the next week we are doing a memorial service, so we have to plan it out. I already have my plate, which I have posted pictures of, but I am going to order a new one to replace the old one because I don't know why I put what I did on that plaque. It was very plain. So, I have to decide what I want to put on that. (Jessie and I have been talking about it, but have not decided yet.) I know I want to play the song, "Hey Lucy" and read one of the poems I wrote. They said we can invite family. I am just going to invite Jessie so it won't be so awkward. Most of my family, the ones that do know, don't want to talk about it, and that is understandable. It'll be nice to do a service with the group this time, but I have a lot of planning to do. 

Now that we are finishing up the study, we are preparing to start a class in the Spring. It is only 7 weeks long, so we will do that twice a year, one at night and one during the day, and then I will continue to work on the individual counseling throughout the year. (Which we have been getting calls about.) And then the week after next, we have an appreciation luncheon for pastor's wives, and I will be doing a presentation on what we offer for them. (Nervous)

I  have also been looking more into the 40 Days of Prayer campaign for the Coalition for Life. However, tomorrow is the last day, so I will not be able to participate this year. And then the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. I would really like to join that, once Samantha gets older and I can actually leave town without having to find a sitter. 

So, anyway, just an update. I am sure things will start to fall into place once the training is over and we get ready to start our own thing.

Side Note About Halloween: It went well. Just went out to eat at Pie Slingers, love their pizza, and then went Trick-or-Treating in a different neighborhood than the years before. Samantha was a cutie. She did real well this year. She says next year she wants to be TinkerBell. 

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