Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Short Vent About Toys-lol

Can you believe how much toys cost? I mean, for real? This year for Christmas, I have bought Samantha mostly educational stuff. (In fact, I just ordered her a Magic School Bus Space experiment kit! She is gonna love it!) Everything was so very affordable. I was very impressed with how much I was able to get her so far and I have only spend like $60.00. Anyway, Jessie says we should at least get her one or two toys that aren't labeled educational. So I got her that Little Pet Shoppe set and yesterday, at WalMart, Sam saw a Princess castle she wanted very badly. (I do not promote character toys or games, but I realize that is one thing I am going to have to give in to. Although, I do not buy shirts and foods and such just for the characters on them...but that is besides the point.) The point is, THE CASTLE IS $150.00!!! So, okay, we were gonna get it for her anyway, because she seriously very badly longed for that castle. I could see it in her eyes as we passed it. (I would hate for her to remember this Christmas as the one she was let down...Then again, it isn't all about gifts either, and she needs to know she is Blessed to have what she does...) ANYWAY, it has all kinds of small accessories for each of the main princesses. It was kind of neat. So I get home and look it up, everybody says it is JUNK! I just can't spend $150.00 on junk! Everybody said it falls apart and frustrates their kids. So we thought we would get her the next best thing. She had said she really liked the Cinderella carriage she saw there. The freaking carriage alone is $50.00! It is just a piece of plastic! But just because it is Disney Princess, they can charge that much! Idk what to do. I know she won't say it, but it will break her heart if we don't get that castle. And I can work it in the budget, but if it just going to fall apart, what is the point? If I get the carriage, that is the rest of her Christmas money and it is just plastic...Do I do it because it makes her happy? I mean, I think that would be worth it alone, but then I think...gosh, $50.00 on PLASTIC?! Urg!

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