Saturday, September 15, 2012

Save One Training

I had training today at Choices (formerly AAA Women's Center). WEC, the Women's Center I serve at, is somewhat partnering up with Choices, so Kelli, my old post-abortion counselor, can help us get things off the ground. 

We went early this morning to the center, and had training for most of the day. We went over the procedures, possible problems we may encounter, went over some Bible study, and did some activities. One of the activities, we had a cup placed in two plastic bags, and we all went outside and threw them down so that they would shatter. They wanted us to go home and glue it all back together. It is supposed to symbolize putting your life back together. The other activity, there were several rocks laid out with words on each one, words like anger, shame, guilt, depression, etc. We had to place them in the sack and carry them around the building. Next, we went to a big cross and had to place take them out of the bag, name them, and lay them at the cross. It was very powerful! We also had lunch, very yummy. And there were lots of handouts and notes. I am working on getting my binder together and getting organized and getting the things we need. 

Karen, the lady I work with, and I are going to do the whole recovery group together, as observers and co-leaders, as well as participants, before we attempt to lead it. That should be starting next week. I am very excited to get things going and see what happens. 

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