Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sex Question and Growing Up

I have two things I want to talk about. The first thing is, I cannot believe how much Sam is growing up. (I was just telling Christina this in one of my comments.) She no longer has firsts like rolling over-it has been awhile since then. lol But even things like potty training or first time actually playing WITH her friends instead of parellel play. Now it is stuff like, "She wrote her name." "She will technically be in Kindergarten next year." And soon I am sure it will be, "Her first sleepover away from home!" I just never thought I would have a big girl. I always thought she'd be...my baby. Before I know it, she will be a teenager. I Love to see her grow up though. We have always been so close, but the older she gets, the closer we are, and that makes me happy. I sure can't wait for the holidays because she is going to be SUPER fun! We are totally out of the fit throwing stage just because she is tired or doesn't want to look at the pumpkins or whatever right that second, so hopefully no melt downs this year, just fun. 

Oh, and even though I am not pregnant yet, that we know of-oh, and since Jessie will be on training for 3 weeks instead of 2 next month-no chance of next month, so hoping for this month....Anyway, she knows we are trying to have a baby sister for her, and she is already so great about it! She helped me put some baby furniture together and get some baby toys organized. She tried to get us to buy things for her "baby sister" all the time. And she tells everyone where her baby sister's room is. All the time she will say, "I sure can't wait for my baby sister to get here!" (She is going to be heartbroken if we have a boy.) But anyway, she has just been so great. I really hope that she is this good once we actually do have another one. I decided that I wouldn't mind her being 5 to 7 years older than our next. I think she would be more like another Mom than a sister, but that's okay. I just don't want to be like over 25 when we have another-IT BETTER NOT TAKE 5 YEARS-lol. But because I know your body reacts better to pregnancy the younger you are. Anyway, I am rambling now...

On to my question. I got to thinking about this because it has been a recent event for Sam and a lady on CafeMom mentioned it today in one of the featured posts. I know a lot of us have older kids, and even if you don't, I want to do know what you plan to do-when they ask about sex, or where babies come from-or why their brother, sister, cousin, friend, etc. has something "different" than they do. Sam has started asking these questions, and by God, I tell her the truth. I give her the real names and the real information. For a few reasons. 1. Kids come to their parents for questions because they think their parents have all the answers. And they trust them. If can't trust us to give them accurate and truthful answers, then who will they trust? I am talking about any question. If we don't know the answers, we should look them up with them-in my opinion. Learning together is part of the process when you are a parent, and it really helps you to be closer. and 2. When it comes to serious matters like that, how can we tell them things like "It is wrong for someone to touch them in certain places." But we can't tell them why it's wrong. If we can't talk about it, they can't talk about it. Now, sometimes Sam gets silly when I teach her the words for certain things, but if I don't make a big deal about it, she won't. 
She has been asking a TON of questions about baby development, like how are they in tummies? I explained to her that they are actually in the uterus, which is a special place for babies to grow. It makes so much more sense to her now, and you can tell. Simple question. Simple answer. She is happy. She has learned all about the placenta and what it is for, and she is so fascinated! Anyway, my question is, how do you ladies feel about it and why? 

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