Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"EDD" and Back To Dance

I have two things again. I just figured I would condense them into one post. 

Yesterday was August 21st was my EDD or "Established Due Date" with Lucy. I have to say that it passed pretty easy. I am realizing there is nothing I can do about what happened. And the fact that Jessie and I can talk more openly about it now really helps too. Samantha fell asleep in the car Sunday on our way back from Harrison and we talked and talked about it for awhile about he we felt about it and how we are going to feel having a new baby, and what we will do if we can't have more. He even mentioned that he was glad I was going to the Women's Center and he thought it really helped me. It was a nice conversation. He said he was going to go to the Memorial with me on Monday. (I prefer to go by myself, but I appreciate the support.) I left a note like I always do and showed him around. (He went one other time, and he said it overwhelmed him, because of all the names on the wall, so he went back outside.) He allowed me to put his name down on the sign in sheet this time to help them with funding. (Before he was afraid somebody would see it.) On my actual due date, which was yesterday, he was at work, so I tried to keep myself occupied. I wrote in her journal some, but then after that played with Brennon and Sam. I actually had a good day, considering how dance with, but I will go into that later. 

One other thing first...I haven't written about the Women's Center lately. It is going great! I finished writing out the curriculum I will be using for the women who come in and it is still "fresh." I am also working with another woman on an in depth Bible study curriculum that we will be using with the women who it has been a long time. I will lead the class for the curriculum I wrote, and we are using a pre-written curriculum for the other class, which that will only be held twice a year for 6 weeks, and she will lead that class at night. I will just assist her. We have training on September 15th. And then afterward we will go to lunch with my post abortion counselor from AAA or "Choices" to ask her some questions and get some advice. I really like all the women I work with. It is nice being around other adults. Even though they are much older than me, it is pretty easy to talk to them and we all get along. I really enjoy my Thursdays there. Although I miss Samantha, I know that she is happy where she is at during the day, and we both get a break. Once a month, when I know I don't have any appointments with any clients and I know they won't be busy, I bring Sam with me. She will help me organize the "store" or go through clothes and toys. Put together the bags they send home with the girls. Things that are simple and easy for her to do, but she so enjoys it, and I like teaching her to serve. Heck, she helps me lead the Children's area at church. We always get there super early to organize, get the curriculum ready, and make sure everybody knows what they are doing, and Sam Loves to help with that too. That is something I really hope for her to continue doing. 

Also, I ordered a new piece of dandelion jewelry. I decided I will order a piece every August and December. This time I got a bracelet. 

Now...On to dance. Samantha was AMAZING yesterday! I did NOT expect that-at all! I figured she would be my regular Sam, say she wants something and then freak out when it is time. Well, I was wrong. She really truly meant it when she said she wanted back in dance. Before class, we discussed that she needed to be nice to the other girls. If they said "Hi," she would have to say "Hi." None of that, "I don't like that little girl!" I told her that hurts people's feelings and that it isn't nice. She needs to make friends. Well, she went on about how she wanted the same girls in her class that were in there last time. I told her that probably would't happen, for two reasons. 1. Classes change. and 2. I held her back and put her in the beginner class again because it has been over a semester. She never experienced the big recital. And because of her age. I didn't want her in with 5 year olds. So she is in a class of 6, which is nice, and they are all her age. I couple of them have been in dance before, so Sam is not the only one. Anyway, I told her that she needed to try to make friends. She said, "Well, who will be my friend?" I told her I didn't know, we would have to see. I didn't think she would make a friend the first day, but she did! 

When we got to dance, she was excited to be back in the building. We went into the store, and I told her I wouldn't get her a shirt or new shoes until I saw her in class and I knew she was staying in. We went to watch the class before her and wait. When it was time, she went in there, went to sit with the other girls like I told her to. She turned to a  little girl with red hair and said, "Hi. My name is Samantha. I'm 3. I live in Ringgold, GA in a HOUSE HOUSE!" And the little girl looked at her and said, "I'm 3 too! And I live in Ringgold, GA in a house!" And that was it from there. They talked, talked, talked. And all through class, any time the teacher went to change the music or something, they talked. She was quiet when she needed to be though. She did all the dances, and while she kept looking back at me for reassurance, she never ran over to me during class. She Did Amazing. I was so very proud of her. Afterward, as promised, I bought her some new ballet shoes that fit. (Her old ones were so small, I couldn't squeeze her into them.) And I got her a t-shirt that says, "Ginger Brown Academy Dancer" and a matching bow. I can't wait for the parades and mall shows and recitals. I Love to see how happy she gets on stage. She just lights up! 

Waiting For Class

I know it is blurry, but this is her super star pose. It was CUTE! 

Trying On Her New T-Shirt

Matching Bow

Also, here are some cute pics...

Side note: Sam wants to be Rapunzel for Halloween, and I hate the cheap dress they have at WalMart, so I got on Etsy like last year, and I ordered her a cute costume that wasn't much more than the one in the store....aside from shipping. lol. 

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