It is that time of year for me, again, to write one of those mushy posts about how far she has come since she was born. (I figure I won't have much time this week since it is her Birthday Week!) I have already told my birth story, so to save time, I will just go over her progress! Over the last year she has learned so much-her numbers, her letters, even her colors-Seems like so long ago when I was worried because she didn't know them yet. Now she is reading!!! And figuring out computers and iPods? Where has the time gone? They come so far in just a year!
Now that she is getting older, she has developed more of a personality, and it is just amazing. I couldn't ask for a better daughter. She is so caring. So forgiving. So concerned about others. She is also so talented! She Loves to sing, dance, and act! She is the whole package. Everyday she is someone different. She does the voices and even acts exactly like them! She never breaks character, no matter what I say-like, "Well, I guess if you are a dog and can't eat people food." I just can't break her. Oh, and to hear her sing. Obviously she sings like a child, but something about the emotion she puts into it! And she is so dedicated to it! She practices her scales every single day. She Loves to make up her own songs based off of the scales too! She never ceases to amaze me! And her dancing, ahh...she is not so graceful, but she really enjoys it. She picks up moves like they are nothing. We better start watching what music videos she sees!
Here is her About Me: (I had her fill in the blank.)
My name is Samantha Mays. I am almost 3 years old. My birthday is September 23rd 2008. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I live in Ringgold, Georgia. My favorite color is pink. My favorite food is chicken nuggets. My favorite animal is a cat. And my favorite thing to do is play in my kitchen, especially with Mom and Dad. I have hobbies. They are dancing and singing, but singing is my favorite.
I Love My BabyGirl. Happy Birthday, Samantha.
I am dreading next year. FOUR is a BIG number!
Newborn-Hospital Pictures |
0-3 Months |
3-6 Months |
6-9 Months |
9-12 Months |
12-18 Months |
12-18 Months |
18-24 Months |
18-24 Months |
24 Months |
2-1/2 Years |
2-1/2 Years |
Almost 3 |
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