Thursday, February 17, 2011

Worst News

My brother just left for basic last Sunday, which is all good and fine. I was nervous though. It'll be weird for him to not be around...But I was okay. I figure I will see him again one day. (I say one day because he has to go to AIT right after basic and he is active, so they will station him somewhere away from here.) But I wasn't too worried because he is going into IT, which means he wasn't going to get deployed...Well, come to find out. They said there is a VERY good chance he will be getting deployed to Iraq or Iran right after Basic!!! I know me and my brother aren't best friends, but we are pretty close. To think of him getting deployed...I have never known anybody who was in the military or got deployed, and now there is a good chance my brother will be...I don't know how to feel...Sad, very sad. And worried...

in one. I have 4 years of experience.) And then if Jessie went back to Wendy's part time like he wanted to, we could pay the bills, barelyOn another, quick note, I am considering looking onto part time work at a daycare. (I could easily find a job, but we could. That is based off of minimum wage 20 hours a week, each. And then we could use his school loans to help pay for other things we need, like detergent, tooth paste, clothes, etc. It would really just depend on how much he could take out. Since he dropped out of school before, I am not sure if he could still get the Hope or Pell. But whatever extra is left over after the school is paid, we get. We wouldn't need maybe $100.00 extra a month to be comfortable. That is how much we have extra right now. And that way we could both have time with Samantha. Plus, I am just not having luck with any of these places I am applying to. Maybe I am just not giving it enough time, but I am starting to feel trapped. Like I don't know what will happen next. The plan is still "under construction," but I think we could make it work....

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