Wednesday, February 23, 2011

One of Those Days...Good Days

I woke up this morning is one of those, "Ahh..." moods. You know, one of those moods where you can just feel something in the air. Something good is coming. And everything is going to me alright. It can only get better from here. First thing, I started looking for jobs online. I am still waiting for an email back from that lady about the part time job, but in the mean time, I am also searching for other part time jobs as a medical secretary. (Just in case she flakes again.) There are a lot of part time jobs out there, especially in doctor's offices. So I applied to them...Later on, we had a Parent Meeting with Samantha's Parents As Teachers Program. It was a blast. We ate and played with drums and shakers. (Music is a big part of the program.) Samantha made a new little friend. The Mom was really cool too. We talked for awhile. It was so nice to go out and have adult interaction besides my Mom and Jessie. I am getting to go out a little more lately than I used to, and I LOVE it! I am actually getting dressed in the morning too! Not just sweat pants and a hoodie. Like actual clothes! I get to wear my spring dresses again. And my capris and cute little tops. I am really starting to feel better about myself. Even though we aren't going anywhere some days, I like to get dressed to go outside. For awhile there, I thought I didn't like being a Stay At Home Mom anymore. I felt terrible, like maybe I should throw in the towel, go back to school for something useful, send Samantha to Ringgold Elementary, and call it quits on the whole homeschool thing. But apparently it wasn't that. It was the weather that had me all depressed. These last few days have really made a difference in my mood! I have been a lot happier. I am actually taking the time to cook good meals, different meals, like Taco Bake and Spicy Porkchops, and homemade Spaghetti and Meat Sauce. I have gotten the house all fixed up and clean. Like I have been meaning to do for a long time. I actually feel like I have a purpose again! Today. Today is good. I hope it stays that way. 
My Little Cutie!

Group Meeting

Everybody Playing Drums

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