Friday, February 25, 2011

Letting Life Be The Teacher

I just liked these pictures. She is Miss Attitude Lately


Look at her pout. =(

I read an article this morning about people starting their kids in school (daycare) too early just because people are starting to ask, "Why aren't they in school?" (I have been thinking about getting her some pre-school curriculum to work on because I felt guilty that she wasn't learning enough at home, so I searched, and that is what popped up.) Anyway, it made me feel a whole lot better. It talked about allowing your child to learn through play and not pushing them to do written work too soon. And the whole time it was basically saying, "Let your child learn through everyday experiences-cooking, playing outside, doing arts and crafts." So we decided to go down to the playground and "learn along the way." We sang "Going on a Bear Hunt." And she learned to echo what I said and make the noises for the grass and mud. Then she made up her own parts. She said, "Oh no! It's a hill! A big, big hill! We can't go under it..." We went over big and little with rocks. She picked it up pretty quick. I got some pictures and videos of it. Then we passed the Dollar General and she saw wind chimes. We went over what happens when the wind blows. We talked about the trees and the birds and the grass. Up and Down. Fast and Slow. High and Low. We didn't get to stay at the park long because it was windy, and I didn't have a jacket and we had a LONG walk home. We are finally home. As soon as we got home, we had lunch, and then I experienced my first, "I'm mad at you." from Little Miss Samantha-Anne. She went to her room and closed the door. When she didn't come back, I went in her room to see if maybe she fell asleep. Nope! She looked at me and said, "I just want you to leave me alone right now." And shut the door, slowly. And she sat in there for awhile. She is still in there, but I don't think she is mad anymore. I am not sure what I did though!

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