Friday, February 25, 2011

Job Update

So I heard back from the lady again. She said it would be a month or so before they hired a part time person for the glasses, but as soon as they do, they will call me. And that she wanted me to know that my name is at the very top of the "Most Desired Applicants List." But I am afraid she will move someone ahead of me. Or forget to contact me. Or the job won't pay as much as she says it will...So I am still looking-*Just In Case.* Because Jessie's job is expecting him to apply for the apprenticeship at the end of March, and if he doesn't, I don't know what they are going to do. I am afraid they will find a reason to lay him off...So, I don't really want to sit around and rely on that job like I did last time. So I am applying to a few doctor's offices and a 24-hour daycare today. (If I can't work part time, I'd prefer to work night shift.) We finally got a printer, so I am going to print off a few resumes today and drop them off places around here. I'm just not sure if I want to wait until after Jessie gets home so that I am not strolling Samantha along with me when I walk in. Maybe I will have more luck that way. We'll see...Oh, and Christina, PLEASE be a Doll, and let me know if you know of any doctor's offices or anything hiring. I know you know Morgan. I don't know if you know anybody else who works at a hospital or doctor, office but just in case you do hear something, think of me, please.

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