Monday, February 21, 2011

Date Night...Not So Much

Eh...Date Night was...Not so much fun...So we dropped Samantha off at my Mom's and her and Brennon were both SO excited! I figured everything would go great! Then, we left my Mom's house and it was down hill from there. We went downtown to go to the Hunter Art Museum, but realized we would only have an hour to walk through 3 buildings of art! And Jessie and I like to sit and read about things and really look at them. So we knew there was no way. Plus, it was $20.00 for both of us...for an hour? No Thank You! We looked for other things to do, but no luck. We had already done it, it cost too much, or it was closing soon, so we just went and ate dinner at Chee Burger Chee Burger. We both ordered the 1 pound burger so we could get our picture on the wall, but we didn't. We both ate the whole burger, but I guess they were too busy to realize, and I didn't want to say anything. We were supposed to go walk after that, but Jessie forgot to bring a jacket and he was cold, so he wanted to go walk in the mall instead, which sucked. We ended up in the Mac store the whole time looking at computers. (We are possibly going to have to get a new laptop, and Jessie wants a Mac.) After that, we ended up at HIS MOTHER'S! For like, an hour. After he PROMISED we wouldn't be there more than 5 minutes. We went to pick up the bed rails we gave them because they weren't using them and one of Jessie's friends wanted them. (They still haven't come to get them, and they were supposed to get them Saturday night, which is why we rushed to Jessie's Mom's to get them on our night out...UGH!) Anyway, when we finally got home, we laid in bed and talked for awhile. When it was finally time to watch a movie, maybe play a little Kinect since we don't ever get to play when Samantha is home, my phone started ringing. It's Samantha and she is crying a little whimpy cry, you could tell. She was like, "Come get me, Mommy. Please. I Miss You. I wanna go home in my bed with you and my Daddy." It BROKE my little heart. I talked to her a little. Then, she told me all about her day and seemed to feel better, so I talked to my Mom and I told her some tricks to get her to sleep, Give her her blanket. Rub her back. Hold her hand. Sing. So she said she would try it. (I don't think my Mom wanted to put up with it, because not even a minute later she called back, and I swear I could hear her whispering things for Samantha to say. Things like, "Why did you leave me?" She says she didn't, but I think she did, and that made me mad.) After that, we went and got her. She stayed up until almost 4 in the morning afraid I was going to leave her. I was laying right next to her, but she was convinced that I was going to leave and not come back. But I guess that is how it is when you have a kid. Needless to say, we won't be doing that for awhile...
This is one of the only pictures I got on our date. lol. It was a picture of the burger.

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