Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Advanced Eye Care

This is when she was younger, about a year ago, but it was the only time we actually got a good picture of it. You have to look close at this one because it is more off-center than crossed.

This time it is actually crossed.
My interview yesterday went GREAT! I really think I got it. When the lady introduced me to the ladies at the front desk she said, "This will be her first job." When I first got there, we went into her office and talked and she told me what the job was about. Then, what surprised me was, she took me to the front to show me around and then had me sit in on several eye appointments, just to make sure it was something I am interested in. I went with this lady, Tammy, and she showed me how she transcribes. She sits in on the appointments and he sort of talks his thoughts aloud and she will type them into the correct spot. They have a cool program that makes the transcribing a lot quicker and easier since there is no rewind button. It is sort of like...fill in the blank. I had a lot of fun doing that because every room we went into was a different thing. One lady was blind in one eye and he was looking at her cataract. Another man was there for a normal eye exam. One person was there because she was extremely sensitive to light. He was going to give her an injection, so I asked the lady I was with if she ever had to work with needles. She said the closest she comes to needles is when she assists him during surgery. She hands him the tools he needs. I would also be doing tech work, like the other place. I would make appointments, do billing, help people pick out glasses, take eye pressures, everything. But there is like 3 other people doing it, so they all work out a schedule and take turns. When I got back to back room, the lady asked me what I thought and so on. She asked how much I needed it to pay and I said that $9.00 and hour pays the bills. She looked at me surprised and said, "You are very frugal, but I can assure this job pays a lot better than $9.00 an hour." She said she wanted to hire me, but it depends on what the doctor, her husband thinks, and a few other factors. She said she likes that I have no experience. She said that's a plus because they can mold me into what they want. She said it also great that I am so young because they use MAC computers and she knows people my age and computers mesh very well. We talked more about what the hours were, and this is the best part! It is Monday thru Friday. Monday thru Thursday are 9ish to 5ish because you have to include set up and take down. Then Fridays are half days! You still get your full 40 because you come in before 9 and leave a few minutes after 5, but you get to go home early on Friday. Also, she has kids, so they give you a lot of paid time off around holidays including a week during Christmas! After the interview was "officially" over, I guess, we got into a conversation about Samantha's eyes because they cross in. We took her to the eye doctor awhile back and he said that they don't, but I have a picture. I will post it. Please let me know what you think. Anyway, I told her all about Samantha's history and what the eye doctor said before and that our insurance won't pay for her to go again unless they find something wrong. (Which, they can find ways around it. They can say she has allergies or something petty, but the point is, what if they can't?) But she talked to me about it and told me that if it is crossed and they don't do anything about it before she turns 5, that eye will be useless. So I will find a way to pay for it out of income taxes or something. She gave me a number and we talked about Samantha and Jessie for awhile, what Jessie wants to go back to school. I was there for 3 hours! I really hope that means she liked me, because that was a long time. I am not sure how many people she interviewed today, but obviously she wasn't in a hurry to interview anyone after me. I am very excited. It sounds like a great place for me to work if I am going to half to anyway. Great pay. Good benefits. Nice people. And a pretty "fun looking" job. Well, thanks for listening. Sorry I talked so much, but I don't have many people to talk to that will listen. This way, I can get it all out of my system and if you don't want to read it, you don't have to, but at least I won't know, so it can't hurt my feelings. Ha Ha. Sorry, I am just still having problems with a lot of people who are supposed to be good friends, not caring. =( Oh, and last thing, I wasn't even going to go. I figured that I would have too much competition and not enough experience. Plus, Jessie had to take off work to drive me, and I didn't want him to lose hours for just another interview that probably wouldn't do any good. I am glad I did. I am going to be heart broken if I don't get this job.

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