Saturday, January 29, 2011

Yesterday was a Great Day!

She kept getting pushed down. Poor Gracie!

I Love her faces!

I didn't realize how many pictures I took of Gracie.

She was being silly.

She gave the dog a kiss.


Ha Ha. You didn't know I took this.

They were playing tea party.

My Two Loves, outside of Chili's.

Jessie laughs at me because I have to take a picture of everything.

Jessie was telling her to take Big Daddy Bites, not Little Mommy Bites.

First, we went out with Christina and Gracie. Samantha said she had a lot of fun with "Big Gracie." That is what she calls her now since she hasn't seen her much since she was a Baby. Like Christina said, they played at the mall. Then they came home and played. Samantha did not want to share her toys. In face, just like 2 seconds ago she said, "I told Gracy no because I didn't want to share with her. That wasn't a nice thing to do." (She knew that was what I was going to say next. lol.) It was nice to get out of the house and talk to someone and for Samantha to have someone to play with. 
After Jessie got home, he took us out to Chili's. (He wanted to take us both on a "date" since he has been working so much.) So we went to Chili's and we were actually able to get what we all wanted since he is  getting 20 hours overtime. Samantha Loved it. And we got to actually sit down and talk. (Usually, when Jessie gets home now, it's quick dinner, bath, bed. Or a movie and bed. Then up early the next day to do it again. (Including today, Saturday. He had to work.) It was amazing! Then we walked next door to Krispie Kreme! YUM!!! This was the first time we EVER bought Krispie Kreme doughnuts! Samantha was able to pick her own doughnut. She picked sugar. They were really crowded, but we found a place to sit down and eat. Then after that we went to WalMart. Ha Ha. Lame, I know, but we had a few extra dollars, so I was able to get some stuff for my interview. We were going to let Samantha pick out a toy, but she got tired and whiny, so we had to leave. When we got home, we all laid down and watched a movie and fell asleep on the couch. Jessie woke up for work this morning, but he told us to go ahead and sleep in, so we did. We were both exhausted. Then when we woke up, Samantha was is in a great mood! She kept say, "I Love You!" It was cute. I Love  this stage! These days are good, for now. lol.

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