Friday, January 14, 2011

This whole thing is dumb! Urg!!! RANT

So this stupid job hunt thing is really starting to irritate me! I have applied to WELL over 200 places, sent about 145 emails and I have only heard back from like 20 of them! They all said I didn't have enough experience. Or they aren't hiring. Or that they don't do work from home and I would have to move up North or something. I contacted the Career Center at school...That was no help. She pretty much just said keep looking. And on top of that, Jessie's job told him that if they didn't find some different work for him today, he is getting laid off. This will be his last day if they don't find something else. He is at VW right now. He is hoping they will send him out to M&M in Cleveland or back to the shop to do calls like he was doing. I have started looking into jobs in childcare because I am very experienced in that, but I don't want to leave Samantha. Plus, it doesn't pay enough. I am looking into night shift daycares though...I would do babysitting from home, but that won't produce enough income for Jessie to go back to school or even pay the bills. And my house is just way to small to accommodate more than one other child. Gir...This isn't working out the way it should. lol. My teacher told me I had 6 months to find a job in transcribing or my certificate would become invalid. How convenient to tell  me that AFTER I graduate. I worked so hard for a year, yes, only a year. I am not too proud of it, but it is something. But if I don't find a job soon, it is just worthless to me. That is so dumb!

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