Friday, January 14, 2011

Energy Saving Tips-That Apparently Work

I posted this on my other blog too...Part of my job as a Stay At Home Mom is not to just cook, clean, and care for kids. It is also to save money. I just got my electric bill for December 10th - December 14th. (They read it late because of the snow.) I was so worried since I figured the bill would probably be ridiculous because of Winter. Guess how much it was-$85.00. Wow. I knew I was strict about electricity, but I didn't realize it would save us so much money. Everybody I know had a bill that was about $200.00 and I only had $100.00 for it in the budget. Here is what I did. I hope the tips help:

1. Set the heat on 68. Luckily, since we are the middle apartment, the one below us and the one above us keep their heat on and it actually keeps our house around 73, except at night. The heat runs pretty much the whole night. The electric company said that 65 is the ideal temperature to set it on if you wanted to save money, but we just couldn't do it. Samantha's little lips were turning purple. 
2. Of course, keep all the doors and windows closed. 
3. I unplug everything during the day except the refrigerator, laptop-so it can charge, and Jessie's TV because it is so hard to hook back up. But I unplug the lamps, phone chargers, microwave, etc.
4.I keep all the lights off during the day. We get enough light.
5. I keep the hot water heater turned down. 
6. We don't use unnecessary appliances like the dishwasher. It doesn't work anyway. 
7. When I was clothes I use a light wash cycle since we just wore the clothes around the house.
8. Lastly, we are converting to energy saving stuff such as appliances,  lights, curtains, etc.
Here are a few more I have heard, but haven't tried. 
1. Charge the filter every month.
2. Getting black out curtains, which I do not recommend. It makes the house WAY too dark.
Anyway, hope it helps. ;)

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