Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Tribute-To My Husband

My Husband and I, we Love each other very much. It's one of those growing Loves. The one where you kinda gotta learn to Love each other. (We were only together 3 months before we decided we wanted a Baby and 6 before I actually got pregnant.) Now, when we first got together we had one of those, "high school" Loves. You know, I giggle when he calls and he says sweet things over the phone that he would never say to my face. He wrote me cute little letters with doodles on them and I folded mine up into hearts and wrote, "I Love You, Babe!" We spent every day together and we never got bored. That kind of Love. Then I got pregnant. It was one of those rocky roads, living with my Mom, worrying about money and how we will support our new family without being bums. One of those roads that, though you wish things would have worked out a bit differently, you are glad you went through it because it made your Love stronger. And you realize how much you two have been through in just 9 short months. You know, the initial excitement of being parents. Then the sweet phase where he holds your hair back and brings you crackers when you are throwing up. He gets your bags for you more than before because you are now pregnant with HIS Baby. And you deserve royal treatment. The arguments over whose Mom gets to be in the labor room and the pettier ones like, "Get off the video game! It's my turn to watch TV." Then when the Baby is born, it all of a sudden hits you, You are a Family. You better make this work. So the hospital stay is all nice and peaceful and you Love on each other the whole time as you cuddle your new Baby and think about how simply perfect your new life will be-until you get home. After that, you just sort of get caught up in life. (At least I did.) And it sucks to think of all the time wasted, but the more you look back, the more you want to savor each moment. So now, everytime we cuddle or watch a movie together as a family, I just bask in the moment. And lately, I have realized that all this time, our Love was growing, but it was growing through Samantha. The more we Love Samantha, the more we Love each other because WE made that Little Girl-Together. But it is nice to focus on each other too. (I think that was one of Jessie's New Years Resolutions that he didn't tell me about because he hasn't had "him time" in a few days and he seems pretty okay with that. We have been cooking dinner together and even cleaning. Him and Samantha have been having more and more tea parties. He is getting pretty good at it. ;) Anyway, I wrote all this to say that now, I believe we are in that "Remember When" stage. I know we have only been together about 4 years, but after all we have accomplished, they were an eventful 4 years. Since we ran out out of things to tell each other about childhood, we like to sit around at dinner and talk about the "Old Days" and tell Samantha stories about before she was born. She really enjoys them. I really like this stage. I can't wait to see what happens in the next 4 years.

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