Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thanks To Christina...

I found out some more, helpful, information on homeschool. I found that curriculum fair on this website. I had heard of curriculum fairs, but didn't realize they had them in my area! I was so excited! Jessie said he would take me this year just to see what it was like. And because we may do preschool with her. I also THINK I may have solved the whole activity problem. Christina, you said she would probably meet other kids in public schools and stuff and want to try them out, but I just don't want her to try them and then decide she doesn't like it. So I found a list of activities on the site that *looks like* it is meant for only  homeschoolers. I am about 90% sure that is what it is. They have everything from gymnastics to music lessons to sign language classes, Japanese language classes, and FENCING! So I think I am going to look into it more. It is called CSTHEA Chattanooga Southeast Tennessee Home Education Association. I know it says Tennessee, but it is also for Northwest Georgia. It has support groups and such listed on there for my area. So...That pretty much helped-a lot. ;p

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