Thursday, January 20, 2011

Book Review-4o Ways To Teach Your Child Values and Skills

So I finished one of my books, 40 Ways To Teach Your Child Values and Skills By Paul Lewis. My thoughts on it...Umm...I am not sure. It has taken me forever to read it. I began it right after I had Samantha for a parenting class at school. Unfortunately, I was the only one in the parenting class-not sure why. There were a lot of Moms at my school. So they canceled it. Anyway, the book is pretty neat because it is divided up into small, easy to read chapters. They are about 4 pages apiece. It addresses different values and skills like Respect, Responsibility, Handling Stress, Etc. It is also Christian based. However, it is very biased, like many books. Some of it, I did not agree with, but who agrees with everybody on everything? I would recommend it for older kids, about ages 4 through highschool because there is not many ways to teach a newborn values and skills. The author gives tips for preschool ages through teens on how to encourage good behavior, skills, attitudes, whatever he is covering in that section. Although, he does stress, children model the behavior they see. No matter what you do, your behavior is the essential key to success in children. Since I started reading it so long ago, I have actually forgotten a lot of the book. So another piece of advice, get your own copy and highlight or write, if you feel comfortable with doing that. Writing in books makes me nervous. I can't do it, but I wish I could because it would make life a whole lot easier. All-in-all, the book is pretty neat. It covers some great topics. I found it fairly cheap on Amazon. And it is easy to read for those of us that have a lot going on or just can't pay attention very long.
You can actually look inside the book on this website.

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