Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mainstream Parenting

You know, mainstream parenting...That's disposal diapering, formula feeding, non-attachment, anti-co sleeping, anti-extended rear facing, sometimes cry it out, sometimes spanking...etc. And there is nothing wrong with that. I just wish I would hae known more about my "options" before I became a parent. But I guess you learn as you go. Since my Mom had a Baby around the same time, I just sort of followed her. And now, I wish I wouldn't have. I wish I would have cloth diapered. I wish I would have breast fed. I wish I would have carried Samantha in a sling more. I wish I would have yelled less. I wish I would never have spanked. I wish. I wish. I wish. But that is okay, because now that I am on my own, I am able to find what kind of parent I want to be. And one day, after I am done raising her, then I will finally decide what kind of parent I want to be. ;)

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