Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jessie's Birthday-He is finally 20!!!

She kept saying, "Look! I'm an elephant!"
Today was Jessie's birthday and BOY did I mess up. I FORGOT! Let me rephrase that. I was asleep. I slept in because I didn't feel good and so when Jessie text me trying to hint at it being his birthday, I didn't catch on and I really hurt his feelings. So, I spent all day trying to make up for it. First we walked to the store to get something to make for him. We decided to make rice krispie treats since that was something we had never done before. They turned out PERFECT, despite my fear of somehow ruining it. Then we made a huge sign for the door that said, "Happy Birthday, Daddy!!!" There was also a note taped to the door. I also made him a coupon book. You know, "Pick the movie. Pick dinner. And a few adult favorites. Ha Ha." Also while I was at the store, I got him a small gift. I bought his big gift already. I looked forever at the store for something small, but fitting. I couldn't find anything. Than I thought, "Jessie has been begging me to take vitamins with him." In fact, that was one of his resolutions, to be healthier so that we can hopefully live longer. But everytime he mentions the gym or taking vitamins, I brush him off. SO...I bought us all vitamins. I really put thought into it. I looked on the back and found the best ones to fit each one of us. For Jessie, I got the ones that had the highest potassium and helped to prevent cancer since he is afraid to die of cancer. For me, iron. My iron is still at a 6, two years after having Samantha. And Samantha got gummies. I don't see her taking anything else. Ha Ha. After he got off work, we went out to dinner, Golden Corral. It was fun, but now we are going to watch a movie. Good Night.

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