Wednesday, December 8, 2010

She will never leave my side again!

Last night was crazy. The fire alarm went off and Jessie and I jumped out of bed and ran around trying to find a fire. Luckily Samantha was already in bed with us, so I just carried her around with me because she wouldn't stand outside. We smelled a lot of smoke in Samantha's room and the house seemed sort of clouded, so we thought maybe there was a fire downstairs were our landlord's office is. If he wasn't there, then he couldn't put it out. So Jessie went to all of our neighbors and they wouldn't answer their doors! So I callled 911. They came out and smelled the smoke too, but they couldn't figure out where it was coming from. They woke up all our neighbors and searched there houses and there was nothing there. They couldn't get into the landlord's office, but they said there was nothing unusual. No hot doors or alarms going off. So they ended up leaving and told us to call again if we needed them. I was so scared, I didn't sleep the rest of the night. I don't want Samantha to ever sleep without me again. What if something does happen and its in Samantha's room and I can't get to her. Eh...I don't like that at all. =(

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