Monday, December 13, 2010

Samantha's Expressions

She was so enthralled! This was the garage where there was a TON of stuff!

Not the best picture of us. My glasses are crooked, as usual. ;p;

The Front Porch

Didn't get a good shot of this side of the yard.

Here it is on the WalMart website. We haven't put it together. Jessie picked it out. He likes it because it matches the rest of the house and it was cheap.

This is Samantha's crown.

These are the shelves.

There is going to be another little basket at the bottom that looks like the other two. She just didn't have it with her. I have it.

I think I am going to put the small thing on the other side...but here it is!!!
We went to go look at lights last night while it was snowing! It snowed all day and most of the night and part of it started sticking. So we took Samantha to the Christmas House to look at all the lights. There was no one there since it was so cold. (Samantha-Anne was all wrapped up. And she didn't care anyway. She was having too much fun!) I have never had so much fun there! Since we were the only ones, Samantha was able to run around and look at all the lights. She would just say, "LOOK!!!! It's Santa!!!" She would get so excited and jump up and down. I was afraid she would slip in the snow. We also went into the garage to look at the lights and it sort of scared her at first, but she got used to it and started talking about everything she saw. There were a bzillion Santas, and she would describe what they were doing like, "Santa is sleeping." or "Santa is falling.!" Then we came home, got in our night clothes and watched the season finale of DEXTER!!! lol. Also this weekend we finished up Christmas shopping except a few things online. I am ordering those today. And we were going to get Samantha's picture taken with Santa, but she was scared and I was afraid she would hit or kick him this year. She was so small last year, all they did was cry, but I am sure this year wouldn't be pretty. So we decided to count her SantaCow picture from Chick-Fil-A as her Santa picture. She Loved SantaCow, and then best part was, it was free! Umm...we also got a kitchen table, finally. I mean, we always had that card table, but we figured it was time for something else. And since we won those gift cards at Jessie's work Christmas party, we figured we'd get it. We also got Samantha a few more gifts while we were out. She now has a cleaning trolley to match her ironing board, but of course she doesn't get it until Christmas. =p Oh, and as far as her room goes, the dress up stand is finished. There are a few parts that seem overdone, but I thing once we get it in the room and all put together, it'll look good. The crown on the top is just made out of foam board, but it's so pretty! By far my favorite piece. We did that for easy removal. Then on the inside, she lined the shelves with ribbon and at the bottom, there is a slanted shelf for Samantha to put all her shoes.
Lastly, an actual update on Samantha, she is killing me. Ha Ha. Kidding. Seriously though, she is usually stuck to my hip bone, which is fine because it is still easy for me to do what I need to do, but I still feel Loved. Well, now she is stuck to my neck bone. What they call, the clavicle. Ha Ha. Anyway, enough geek humor. She is actually wrapped around my neck right now. When I sleep with her, she makes me hold my head a certain way and bury it into my shoulder where I can't breathe. lol. I guess she is just getting older, so therefore more attached. It makes me feel special. I can REALLY feel that she Loves me now. And she is starting to pick things up quicker, so I taught her how to blow bubble in the tub and dip her french fries in ice cream. She even undresses herself and knows to keep her clothes on! She actually kept her hat on last night during the lights, and then as soon as we got inside, she took it off and said, "Here you go." Then she took of her jacket and proceeded to take off her snowboots! (Which she LOVES! Her "Aunt Sudi" got them for her and she can't quit talking about them.) They say Princess on the side and they are black like mine and Suzi's.

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