Thursday, September 23, 2010

Welp, It's Thursday September 23rd 2010

The day I've been silently dreading since September 23rd 2009. Samantha turns 2 today at exactly 1 pm (my time). I guess it is now my turn to share my story. Where to begin...I guess from the beginning, but I will make it as short as possible, but I am not sure how short you can make these stories. Boy meets girl. ;) That would be Jessie and me. Soon after we started dating, we decided to have a Baby. Yes, decided to. We did a bunch of "research." Although, some not so realistic. We compiled a binder full of information about things from occupations and wages to baby needs and tips on how to conceive. Little did I know those plans would change. I didn't have enough research to back up what we were about to do. I was 15. He was 16. We thought we had it all figured out. Fast forward. January 23rd 2009 we found out we were pregnant! We were both SOOOO ecstatic. Now, just to tell our parents. My Mom was not the problem. It was his parents. (Let us not go there this lovely morning.) Fast forward about a month later. Jessie found a job at Wendy's and my Mom offered us a place to live IF we payed some bills. THEN reality...SORT OF hit us. Jessie started working full time while in school AND attended parenting classes with me in between. With all of that, he was drained. Everybody at school found out and of course we all know how people act. All of a sudden, I was everyone's friend and they wanted to know, "When it was due? Was it a boy or a girl? How far am I exactly? What am I gonna name it...?" I didn't find out what Samantha was until AFTER school let out. I was heart broken to not tell everybody. (I'm supposing by now, you know Samantha is a girl.) Doctors appointments started becoming more frequent and I enjoyed the ones that included an ultrasound, a heart beat, anything that would connect me with Samantha. Although she was inside me, we were in two different worlds and it kept me in a constant wondering if she was okay. Finally, a few weeks after school started back, my due date started creeping up. On September 19th (Homecoming Weekend) I went to the doctor so that they could figure out what was going on with my blood pressure and sudden weight gain. (Like two pounds in one day.) They decided I had Toxemia and that they wanted to get Sami out as soon as possible...right after the weekend of course. So they told us they were going to induce me that Monday, the 22nd at 9:00 in the morning! WHAT?! I wasn't ready for that! It was going to hurt! And what about the IV? I don't like needles!!! Taking care of a Baby? What if it cries a lot? How will I know what to do???!!! Jessie went in to work that night to tell them he wouldn't be in the next week. And the Sunday before D-Day, I couldn't sleep at all. (I mean, who could, 9 months pregnant in a TWIN sized bed with another man! ;p) Monday I went in and didn't have the slightest idea what I was doing, where I was going. But I don't attribute that to my "Being A Teen Mom." That is just a "First Time Mom" thing. The lady took my info and gave me an arm band. We all know the drill. She was SO nice, until I told her my birthday. After that, she said she was going to go ahead and put me in a room and give me an IV. I asked if my Fiancee could come back because I just am not comfortable with needles and would like to have him beside me and she said, "NO! You are about to have a Baby. The needle is the LEAST of your worries!" So she kept trying to stick me and she blew like THREE veins. All of which were MY fault because SHE put the needles on the bed and I kept moving my foot and she was trying to move them back onto the bed while putting in my IV! So she called another nurse in there who did it in my other arm, MUCH less painful and NO blown veins. (And seriously, those veins were what I concentrated on the whole time I was in labor. Forget the contractions, LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THESE BRUISES! I tried to go throughout labor without any pain meds and I did pretty well. I went all day without any, starting at 9:00 am. My family stayed and talked to me and distracted me. I was having contractions like crazy they said, like off the charts, but my body wasn't doing anything. I simply looked over at Jessie and said, "She isn't ready yet. Please don't let them make her come. She wants to go home." (And about that, I was right. But they made her come anyway.) They put in Cervidel at 9:00 pm and my contractions came closer together. I didn't mind. Although it did hurt. But apparently I kept waking Jessie up by screaming his name and as soon as he got to me, I would fall back asleep. So he told the doctor to give me some medicine WITHOUT my permission and THEY DID!!! So they put me on Demerol, which made me, like, oh gosh. I kept answering my hand and yelling because I thought it was my Mom calling. Finally, Jessie asked, "Who are you talking to?" and showed me my hand. I just laughed and went back to sleep. I slept in and out until it was time to push and the nurse said, "Play time is over! It is time to push!" Which, I did pretty well at. After 30 hours of labor, I didn't have to push long before she was out. My Mom and Jessie were in the room with me, both crying, happy tears. The doctor had to cut me, which hurt SO BAD after the medications wore off. Ha Ha. And after Samantha was out, my Mom heard them ask what blood type I was. They wanted to give me a blood transfusion. I lost half my blood. But because that nurse was dinky and told him she wasn't sure what type I was and if he wanted her to go look, she "supposed she could..." The doctor told her to forget it and they took my iron and all to make sure I was okay. I didn't get to hold Samantha when she was first born because of what happened. It was a few hours before I was able to move because they forgot to shut off my MEDICINE!!! So they had to lift me onto another bed and wheel me to the next room. Sami had several visitors, oh yay! I could barely move and I was wanting to be alone and bond with Samantha. Oh, and eat because I hadn't been able to in DAYS!!! Jessie gave my Mom money to buy me some purple roses. =) But they were dead by time I got home to see them sitting on the window sill because I had an unexpected extended stay in the hospital due to my iron. Thanks, Samantha, I am not permanently anemic. lol. at The first few days at home were not so bad after all. She was, to me, the perfect Baby. I actually enjoyed being a Mom. So here I am now, 1,000 bottles or milk, 2,000 diapers, and about 5 diaper bags later. I am a better Mom than I have EVER been. I may have lost a lot somewhere between the first positive pregnancy test and the multiple shopping trips taken to "Babies R Us" instead of the mall, but I have gained SO much more. Good friends, a Future, a sense of purpose in this life, and most of all, a daughter. The most beautiful, most precious thing on this Earth to me. She is my BEST friend and NOTHING will ever change that. No mistakes, No Distance, Nothing could EVER change my Love for her. Happy Birthday, Sam!

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