Saturday, August 21, 2010

Another Doctor's Appointment...Then On A Good Note

Saturday morning-I'm up...This one is for Sami's eyes-again. At least this time she will probably understand what is going on...somewhat. Last time she was so little and it was sad. Last time her eyes were crossing and they were trying to figure out why. This time they are just checking her vision because of the whole, "Mommy, I can't see!!!" thing. How plain is that? Apparently she can't see something, usually TV. (That is when she says it the most. And when she is eating.) On a good note, my house warming party is later this afternoon and my Aunt said a lot of people have already said they are coming. Jessie's mother isn't. (Good for me-Bad for him.) I gave her the invite and she just said, "Hm." and set it to the side. Can you believe that? She is so rude. She could have at least said she couldn't make it or something. Which also reminds me, I got signed up for classes next quarter-my last quarter and I will be certified to do medical transcription. I decided to go full time so that I can get some electives in that will actual help. (When I was going for OT, I had to take several core classes and to help me when I switched majors, so that I didn't lose any credits, they said they would count them as my electives.) That is nice and all, but since I was only going to go part time this quarter, I figure why not go full time. It isn't that hard. So I am taking Advanced Medical Document Processing, Anatomy and Terminology, and Office Procedures. She said that Office Procedures will help me to work from home because usually when you work from home, you have to contract yourself out and that class teaches you how. I am sort of nervous about graduating. School is all I have ever known. When I left high school early, I was thrown into college a few weeks later, but it was pretty much the same except I didn't have to leave the house. I guess work from home will be the same as my Medical Transcribing class-only more hours. lol.

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