Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Lot Going On Today

Today was my house warming party. It was fun, but nobody showed up really-except my family. My Nana, Papaw, and Aunt Chris. My Mom and little brother. Me, Jessie, Sami of course. And my Mom's friend. Even Jessie's mother managed to stop by. All my friends had to cancel because of work and stuff. We had fun though. My Aunt made gorgeous cupcakes for everybody and then a cake for me and a cake for Jessie. She decorated and even made a table decoration with flowers and marbles. Jessie opened all the gifts this time since I was the one who had to open them at the baby shower. =p We got a lot of stuff we could use. Oven mits, stove eye covers, tupperware, cereal containers, etc. And my Nana got us a baking set and COOKING OIL!!! lol. I told her that for our anniversary, I totally messed up Jessie's brownies because I didn't have cooking oil! The were SO DRY! He was nice and didn't say anything, but when I told him what happened, you could tell he knew there was something wrong with them. OH GOSH! I forgot to make a post about our anniversary. Jessie put Sami to bed for me while I cooked. I made steak, french fries, and mac and cheese. Then we had brownies and ice cream for dessert. I used the dinnerware set that my Nana and Papaw used a long time ago for their anniversary, but forgot to set out the candle and place mats I bought just for our dinner! We had fun just laughing and talking and having dinner together. We were so exhausted though. So it wasn't long before we passed out on the couch watching ID TV. On another note, we took Sami to her eye appointment today just for them to tell us that the special eye drops they ordered to dilate Sami's eyes hadn't come in, so there was no use in doing her appointment. So I just filled out the papers and we left. We have to go back next Saturday at the same time. I hope the eye drops are in, because if they aren't, I will be so mad. Lastly, today was the day. The day I was supposed to be due. And I made it through, fairly easily. Although, now that things are sort of calming down, I am starting to wonder what life would have been like if everything had gone how it was supposed to...but I guess it was meant to be. I just have to keep reminding myself that and hopefully it will get easier as I go...
PS =P She made the decorations on the top of the cupcakes with fondant and they are different housewares like hangers and cups and drainers. And my favorite-the muffin pans.

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