Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Little Baby Hand

So DD fractured her Little Baby Hand. I honestly don't know what happened. She was at church. And they brought her to me screaming. I figured she just got a little hurt. So we went home and she was still fussy and she slept all day. We gave her some Tylenol. Then she went to Ky's birthday party and she was just Bleh there. Which, when Kylie is around she is NEVER Bleh. So I called her doctor and told her that her hand was swelled and she said not to worry unless it is bruised really bad. So we took her to the drive ins as planned and she did a little better, but her hand still hurt. Then the next morning it was VERY bruised, so I made an appointment with her doctor. They sent her to Hutcheson Hospital for xrays. They told us to leave and when they got the results somebody would call. I thought there was something weird about it though because the lady acted like she didn't know how an xray was supposed to look. I finally called her doctor after getting no response and they said they had come back normal. So the NEXT morning, I called them back because her hand was getting EVEN WORSE! They said take her to the ER to get a splint. So this time I took her to the actual children's hospital and asked for more xrays. And that is when I learned she fractured two of her bones in her hand-Poor Baby! They gave her a splint and she has to go back to a specialist next week to get it casted if they decide they want to. Or they may just re do her splint. Either way, she did very well. She didn't scream. She just whined a little bit. Afterward, Jessie and I took Sami to the Dollar Tree and got her some presents. She got a balloon with a smiley face on it. She was so happy. She gets frustrated though she can't hold it with both hands though. =(This was the best picture she would let me get.

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