Friday, June 4, 2010

I Think This Is It

Last night my Mom gave us a number to call about an apartment for rent down the road. We were at MIL's house, so we left in a hurry to go see it before anyone else could. (I always feel like people are racing me to get something before I do.) We looked at it-LOVED it and WANT it! It is only $475.00 a month, but they pay your water. It is two bedroom-one bath, but that is all we need. There will only be three of us. And right now we are pretty much living out of one bedroom and one bathroom (which we are sharing with my older brother). It was just remodeled so the inside looks and smells like a brand new house. The kitchen is nice size. It has a washroom too. The living room is HUGE! (to me anyway) The bathroom is pretty big and the bedrooms are fair sized too. We will have our own front and back porch, but we have to share the yard. But that is okay because it is pretty big too. The only thing I am nervous about is that we will be sort of far from my Mom, but that is going to eventually happen anyway. I'll need to get over that. The outside is a little shabby and the pictures aren't very good, but I was so excited I didn't care. Oh, and they still need to clean up like the cleaning products and stuff are still in there.

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