Saturday, May 29, 2010


So I had my "official graduation" yesterday. Honestly, I didn't care to walk since my transcripts already stated I graduated early in December. It wasn't a big deal to me and it was old news to my family. Plus, my whole family was irritated that it was outside and it started pretty late at night. I felt like they didn't care as much about my graduation as they did my older brother's. But, its alright. I graduated with honors, which I was excited about, but I had to sit in the front row! Eh. So I got to walk and get the diploma holder and all. And then afterwards we went to the field house to pick up our diplomas. Which, my luck, they had lost mine. I was the only one. Well, they had misplaced Christina's, but found it shortly after. I stood in the field house forever. I was the last one left, and of course they still couldn't find it. SO, I didn't get one. They said, "Just call back next week. Maybe we will find it or something." I don't think they realized how bad that made me feel. I finally left and went to see my family, but they were tired, so they just gave me money and said "Congrats." In all, I got 900 dollars. But part of it is in IOUs because my Aunt is unemployed and stuff like that.
After graduation, we went to go eat with my friend, Ashley, at IHOP. It was so much fun. We stayed out until one. Sami usually stays up late, so we didn't think she would mind. Well, she fell asleep in the booth. lol. We had a good time, but after it was all over, we came home and crashed...Don't have any pics uploaded yet. =D

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