Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another Post-The House Is Finally Done

We have everything all set up and I took pictures the other day. Ya'll have already seen Samantha's bedroom and the livingroom, so I am not going to post any of those. And the bathroom is literally too small for me to take a picture. I can't stand far enough back. So I am just going to do kitchen and our bedroom because they have either been redone or rearranged....Here they are.

We decided to do the kitchen in far animals. And there is my little crock pot. I LOVE that thing!

The canister with the sugar in it, the big one, is driving me up the wall because it was turned sideways and I didn't notice it when I took the picture...EH...

Our tiny garden, which extends all the way into the bedroom window sill.

Our Room-The dresser/TV Stand/And Extension of My Desk Space

My Desk Area-I promise it is clean and organized. It just doesn't look like it because there is so much stuff, especially on the walls.

Our bed...Jessie thinks we are "Zen." He picked out the lamp and bamboo...

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