Monday, January 11, 2016

Our Adoption Journey

So far our adoption journey as a family has been a learning experience. Not just learning the process, but learning to rely on God-that he is going to do what he wants done. Weather it is bringing us a child to adopt soon. Or just introducing us to the idea for the future. Or even just letting us go through all this so we can share the process with somebody else that He wants to adopt. (It is the hardest thinking there is still a possibility He isn't calling us to actually adopt.)

So far I have made our cards and our profile. And of course I have everything bought right down to the carseat (if we end up with a child 2 or under.) We have spoken to lawyers and learned more about politically correct adoption language.

We are all gearing up.

Three major happenings recently have been:

-I began preparing to breastfeed. I know it sounds a little early, but it can take up to 4 months to get a decent milk supply in. And even if I do get a supply in, I may still have to supplement with previously pumped milk. So we have the deep freezer all ready to use. And *hopefully soon* I will see results. Jessie has been super supportive. He thinks the breast pump sounds hillarious, but he doesn't pick too much about me lugging around the big bag with the machine in it. And it doesn't seem to bother him that I disappear for 10 minutes every 2 hours. And S has been asking lots of questions about why I do that and how it works. Which leads me to my next point...

-Sam's curiosity and nervous feelings about becoming a sister have started to surface. She keeps asking if she will still be allowed to talk to me when she actually gets a sibling and I am feeding him/her. And of course the answer is yes! She has asked if I will love it as much as I love her. The answer is still yes! She asked if she will have to be quiet when he/she sleeps. Probably. And she has asked how we will still get our special time together. (So we came up with a plan.) ;)

-Also, we talked with our pastor at church yesterday. He took some of our cards. (He works in a place that he may run into some situations like that.) He also looked at our profile and asked us some questions.  He told us his story about how he was adopted as a teenager. And then go asked a little more of our story and my work at the Center. It was good to get to know him better. And to share a little with him too.

Also, on a smaller note....I have been gobbling up books about adoption and learning so much.  Independant adoption is apparently a very successful way to go about it. Even more so than agency adoption! As long as we get ourselves out there and "advertise" without crossing too far over the GA state laws.

WA Hoo. I'm so excited!  So much going on this year already-so many changes in our lives,  our marriage, our relationship with Sam-which is more of an age thing,  but still being thoroughly enjoyed since we found balance. Just one thing missing.  And I'm praying we find that by the end of this year.

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