Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I Am Blessed

Today it snowed.

Today we went outside and played-the 3 of us. We ran around. We threw snowballs. We laughed. We sled down our monstrous hill. We played with the dog. And the neighbors. Outside it was loud. Outside was booming with activity.

And when we came inside we all cuddled up together in our bed. Hubby and I got some much needed alone time while Sami napped. Then we all made a hearty stew-together.

And tonight, as I looked out the screen door to a serene layer of snow under the soft lighting of the moon, all was still and quiet. And I thought, "How. Bless. I. Am. If God gives me nothing more in this life but Beautiful, Memorable days like this-and a family to make these days worth living, I will be content for the rest of my life." I am thankful that Jessie got the rest of the day off. I am thankful that Samantha was home with me and we didn't have to venture out in the craziness to pick her up. That she had a productive "school day" experimenting with snow, making snow cream, and well, playing instead of a "snow day out of school." I am thankful that we will all cuddle up tonight in one bed-the 3 of us along with the dog...so 4. And we will sleep in a house with heat tonight. While there are soaking wet snow boots and coats on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink tonight, I wouldn't trade today for a clean house or clean clothes. They can wait until tomorrow.

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