Sunday, June 23, 2013

My ALMOST 5 Year Old

I have been thinking about Samantha's upcoming birthday and all the new firsts we have coming up, first time in Gymnastics, starting Home school groups, THE BIG 5 BIRTHDAY!....And it is all just so exciting. But at the same time, it is so much change, and I realize how I have been slowly watching this change all year long. I should be ready for this, but I am not sure I am. 
I have watched her room go from 

To this....


Te  bed is not made, and she has 1,000 stuffed animals!

 Subtle changes, I know, but they are everywhere. And I know that soon Samantha's room will change even more. Her pretend toys will begin to disappear. (She already only plays with them when she has friends over.) And soon I know she wants a bunk bed or a loft bed with a desk. Her boards and walls will not only be filled with drawings and paintings, but also pictures of friends and notes, cards and medals-She has a few hung up now.

I have watched her fashion go from 

This....(Of course I used to dress her, but she said she Loved the clothes I put on her..)

 To This....

I have seen her personality go from 


Samantha used to be a shy, nervous little girl who Loved learning-still does, and really enjoyed quiet activities like drawing, coloring, playing games on the computer, and reading. (She still Loves reading too.) Samantha did not like being around other people very much and didn't mind staying home for days at a time. 

To This....

Samantha is now super outgoing and loves to be out doing something all the time. She still enjoys learning and reading, but she also has a new interest in physical activity. She is extremely outdoorsy. She Loves to fish, hike, camp, do Pilates, and especially swim. Music is her new Love, especially Christian music. She likes JJ Heller and Chris Tomlin. She really enjoys being around other people, especially adults, and she can't wait to start back her dance class and gymnastics.

One of the things that has been a constant in Sam is her loving personality. It has grown over the last year. She Loves to cuddle and kiss and always expresses her Love. She is sensitive and caring, especially for animals and babies. She says that she wants to be a nurse one day, and I 100% support her in that because that is a great way to lead a meaningful life. She has an amazing Christian World View on Life, and that is one of my favorite things about her.
Samantha has just really changed so much, not just personality wise, but maturity level, obviously because she is getting older. She talks better, has more serious conversations. She can figure things out easier and her exploration is more detailed and full of questions AND finding answers. She is starting to read more fluently and can understand the world around her a lot better. She is a complete joy to be around because the fits are over! She can talk about her feelings and expresses them really well. Of course she is still silly, but she can also have time where she is not silly and we just talk and laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Kylie Jade has changed so much as well she is now 5 with two loose teeth and starting kindergarten in the fall. She's gone from throwing none sense tantrums to being super sassy. She is my light and I cannot believe how much she is growing!!! Sam had a great time with Kylie when she spent the night!
