Friday, October 19, 2012


So...With Halloween coming up, we have lots more activities planned. We are having a Halloween Party Saturday night. We have been getting ready for that the last week or so. We are going to have a bonfire and lots of food. Two good things. And lots of friends. Only half of them that I am totally fond of. Ha Ha. 

Next Wednesday they are having a Halloween storytime at the library, and Samantha gets to wear her costume. She is super excited about that. 

Then, next Friday we are having a Parents as Teachers group meeting at the zoo. It is called "Boo in the Zoo." It is totally free since we reserved a spot in time. They are going to have the normal zoo activities and then trick or treat stations, face painting, inflatables, etc. 

Then that Sunday a church down the road is having a carnival. And they go all out. They have nice candy, nice games, good food, so we are going to go there with the babies. We went spur of the moment last year. Sam wasn't in a good mood, but I think she'll really enjoy it this year. Again, she will get to wear her costume. 

We are considering something that the Nature Center has going on that Saturday. It is some sort of bonfire and pumpkin carving. It is a little pricey and I just found out about it. Plus, Jessie may be working late that day, so we may just go next year instead. We already have a ton of activities going on.

And then of course, we are going Trick-or-Treating the next Wednesday! Not sure where or what time yet. This year we are going in a big group, not just with my family. I really want Sam to have the experience of Trick-or-Treating with her friends. I know my Mom and Aunt are going, and Jessie's friend, Josh, and his son, Gavin. But that is all I know for sure so far. 

Samantha has lots of new interests lately. (We haven't been doing a lot of interest based activities lately because of all that is going on, but we decided to cut out some of the unnecessary stuff that was keeping us busy, and go back to what is important.) So anyway, asked Sam what she wanted to learn, about and she said Space and Spanish. (And she is also interested in colors.) We did a color wheel today that she enjoyed. We are working on learning about each planet individually. (Magic School Bus and The Planet Song are helping with that. And then I just try to teach her spanish throughout the day. I took like 6 years of Spanish in school. Unfortunately, three of those years, we covered the same things everytime, mostly nouns. It wasn't until highschool that I learned to speak in sentences. 

Lastly, I bought a Moby Wrap yesterday! In perfect condition with the bag and instructions, for 10 dollars!!! (At a consignment sale of course.) At first I wasn't sure about the color, but I decided it actually works the best for every season. (Yah, I am weird about seasonal colors. I can't put Sam in pink or yellow or anything in the Winter.) Anyway, spring and summer are a given. Fall is a given. And in the winter I can dress it up to look "Christmasy". Ha Ha. Plus, it is organic cotton. I am a sucker for anything organic. I'd say it was a good deal IF WE EVER HAVE ANOTHER!!! 

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