Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Decorating-Keeps Going Off On Tangents

I have lots of ideas flowing as I prepare to redecorate the rest of the house at income tax time. Figured I would think about it now, because once dance and holidays start to take over, I will be consumed with planning all that. No complaints there! 

I have a few touch ups in the rooms I have already done first. I need to touch up the paint in the kitchen. I cannot find out how to remove our wooden blinds, and I have to remove them to repaint the window seals. And then my Aunt and I should be working on refinishing that dresser soon, for my room. There is only one or two more things I need. We are going to paint it white, so it will go with any future bedding I get. We are going to turn the drawers into shelves because the drawers are broken. I am still thinking of what I want on the shelves. I will have 9 shelves, 6 big, 3 small. I know I will probably put magazines and my current reading materials on one, remotes on another...Depending if I can find some wallet sized picture frames, maybe some of those on one shelf...Not sure what kind of decorations. Obviously I do not want to fill the whole thing top to bottom, but I want to use the shelves at the same time. 

All I have left after that is the living room/hallway and then I have to paint the bathrooms and closets. I don't have many plans to decorate the bathrooms. Like before, we did a geek theme in the guest bathroom, but there wasn't much to that. And our bathroom nobody sees, so we just carried over the plain white that we used to complement out bedroom. 

As far as the hallway goes, we are just going to paint it the same neutral color as everything-probably brown. And have her artwork hanging up like we do now. I do, on the other side of the wall, next to her room and the "baby room," want to put a timeline for Sam to fill in on the wall. I heard that is a great way to teach history in a way that it makes sense to younger kids. I couldn't tell you in what order things in history happened if it meant my life. 

The living room is the biggest part. I feel like it sets the tone for the rest of the house. We are getting new furniture in February. (Jessie it taking the old furniture down to his "Man Cave," which he will also be finishing in February, but he hasn't made a ton of plans yet until we see what type of budget he is on.) Anyway, I want a couch and loveseat or a couch and a chair for the living room. I only have enough for two pieces, and because of the opening to the kitchen all the other parts of the house, I feel like that is all we have room for. It is going to be a sitting room because Jessie is also taking the flat screen downstairs-THANK GOD! (I will be holding the Save One Bible study at my house once we finish training. And I want it to feel nice. They told us in training that because women have such a hard time talking about their abortion, they want the environment to FEEL welcoming and safe, so that is what I am going for.)  I want a light green color, but not sure exactly what I want yet. But I think a light green would flow with the rest of the house. And then I want an entry way piece of some sort, right where the TV is now. My Aunt and I may turn that stand into a sort of hutch and leave it there. I want pictures on there. (They are not hung on the wall like we had in the apartment.) I basically just want her birthday pictures and then maybe her dance pictures. And just leave out the pictures of her 3, 6, and 9 months. We could only afford one pose at the nice studios, and they weren't always that good of a pose. So we will just stick to the yearly ones. And then every season  I would like to decorate that area with something different. Fall would be the most fun with fake pumpkins and leaves. In the Spring and summer, probably flowers and such. I don't know. I will cross that bridge when we get there. I might make a few side tables out of old fruit crates and table legs. I saw that on Pinterest, and I like it. As for the walls, I want to keep my big tree picture up above my couch. We have a giant clock to put on one side of the entry to the kitchen. We are wanting a mirror for the other side. We also have a little framed prayer a friend gave to us, but not sure where we want to move it to. I'd also like a wall sticker that says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." For one, I LOVE that song. Two, that is one of the wall stickers Jessie and I looked at for above the bed, and we decided on Jeremiah 29:11 instead, so I told him I wanted the other sticker for else wear in the house. And I think it would look perfect above the entryway to the kitchen. Hm...Now that I think about it, I don't want that clock and mirror near the entryway...I want something else, smaller, over there, lining the sides, and then we will move the clock so there is stuff on the other walls. I don't want to crowd it. I guess we won't know until we look at it all set up. I also need to find ways to make the living room look smaller. I like the cozy look, not the empty, spacious look. I just don't know how to do that. 

As far as the baby room goes, we are not painting it yet until I get pregnant and we found out if it is a boy or a girl. Girl will probably be yellow or light purple. I cannot do another pink Boy will probably be blue...I am not creative at all. I like the standard boy/girl colors. Right now we just have the  stuff I have/bought in there. A lot of it is stacked neatly in the closet. And I check off my list as I get it. :) And since my brother will be staying with us soon while he has Braylee, we have all that furniture and his boxes and clothes are in there too. So I am not too worried about that room right now. That is his area as far as I am concerned. 

Here are some ideas on Pinterest that I also want to try: I have a goal of taking one a month and adding it to the house. 

1. One big project is a kitchen table with mismatched chairs, all stripped down and repainted the same color. I am thinking white chairs with a not sure what color table...I don't want too much blue, but I think a blue table would do enough without doing too much...Anyway, this should be cheap, just gotta find some free or cheap chairs that have no matches on Craigslist or yardsales or something. I will probably start this project mid year next year. 

2. My October Goal: Chalkboard on the front door. Weather I try to find one to purchase or make one, we are big on chalk and marker boards around here. You can personalize them so much. Jessie and I always write "Good Night" messages on Sam's board in her room. They are always different messages. I write Bible verses on the refrigerator every week. I want Sam to see them, and it is also a plus because lately I have had memory verses for my Save One study, so I read them every time I open the refrigerator. I also have our schedule posted on another one. (I have had problems looking at my calendar lately for some reason.) And then Sam also loves to draw on her boards...Anyway, getting side tracked, we love boards. I would like to be able to put something like "Welcome to our home ____ Family." if we are expecting visitors or "Merry Christmas" etc. and just change up the bows every season. Cheap, easy, and creative. So that is my first real goal. Jessie gets paid Friday, so I will see what I can find.

3. For the Living Room: I have a few ideas I want to look into. Those are the chalkboard coffee table, to make family game night easier. I think it is very cute. Putting up a picture and clock with the time each child was born, and their picture. (Once we have another because it wouldn't look right with just Sam.) Only thing is, I want to incorporate Lucy somehow. I don't feel right putting up something for "all my kids" and leaving her out, even if there was no "ETA". May not even do that one, because Idk where I would put it...Anyway, those are two things that I am not sure about. Idk how a chalkboard on a decent coffee table would look. And I already said why I don't know about the clocks. 

4. Spring Time: I would love to do these painted small rocks to label things in our garden, that we will be working on in the Spring. We are definitely doing a Butterfly garden. Not sure about a vegetable garden. But either way, it will be a neat way to put pictures with what she learns. 

Guess I need to get my Pinterest on so I can find some more ideas for each month. :) 

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