Monday, September 10, 2012

My Little Kid

So Sam and I had a great day. I am one of those people who is always running running running. We have library on Wednesdays. Women's Center Thursdays. And I have been keeping Brennon twice a week for my Mom's doctor appointments, and then birthday parties on Saturdays and weekends with Jess...There was seriously no rest! Well, now that my Mom has had the baby and Brennon has started prek, and Jessie being out of town for awhile, as terrible as it sounds, we are getting a break. 

Now that my long explanation of why I have been so busy is over....Sam and I had a wonderful day. We slept in a bit. I was up and dressed at about 10 o'clock. I woke her up and we packed a lunch and ran out the door. She looked at me and said, "Mommy, aren't you going to make the bed." When I said "No,"she was so excited. lol I did NOT want to miss the cool weather this morning. 

We went to the creek first, where she had a blast climbing the rocks and sitting in the water and splashing. (It was too cold for me.) She made several discoveries about the leaves and rocks and moss and water...She never stops seeing and learning new things! After awhile, she climbed out of the water and said, "Okay. I am ready for lunch now." So we ate. Peanut butter sandwiches and she had some apple sauce. She spread her own peanut butter too! 

A lady and her two daughters showed up, and Sam jumped up first thing and asked if they wanted to play. They introduced themselves. Sam was so excited. They were older girls, 8 and 9, so they helped her out a little, and she liked it. I got to talking to her Mom and she told me she homeschools her children. They didn't get to stay long because her son, who is 2, was still at the playground the Dad, but we swapped emails, and we are supposed to be getting together next week. 

Sam and I stayed a little longer in the water, and then went to the playground. We were the only ones there, and Sam showed me all kinds of "tricks" she could do. Every time I turned around, she'd say, "Watch this!" And she thought she was the coolest! I would show her my "tricks" and she would try them too. 

Then, we went for a walk to look for some Fall leaves for a craft that we are going to do tomorrow. We found a bunch, but it started getting hot, so we left. 

Now we are home. We took a nap. Ate dinner together. Sam played a little while I cleaned. Now we have the music turned up and Sam is working on her dance moves. She is getting a lot better at them than she was last year. They look more like the actual moves this year. 

We were gone for over 3 hours this morning. I have to say it was nice to have some downtime. It has been awhile. Now we are looking forward to tomorrow, because Tammie is coming over for a PAT visit and she has dance class that night. 

She realized her fishing pole is not real, so we are getting her a real one next year. 

Spreading Her Peanut Butter

Me and My Love

Showing Me Her Tricks

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