Friday, August 10, 2012

Adoption-Meant to post yesterday.

So Jessie and I have been talking the last few days about looking into an adoption. We discussed adopted a little girl around the same age Lucy would have been. (Jessie is not 100% on board himself. He said he is about 75% and we would have to look into it.) We looked into it a bit more today, and although we had $10,000.00 to put toward it, because that is how much Comcast will pay toward an adoption, the adoption agency we looked into wants another $8,000.00+ to go on top of that! I know there are ways to finance and grants and such that you could get, but before we looked into that, I want to make sure we are both extremely serious about adopting.

We also looked into adopting out of the foster care system. We meet all the requirements. And there are only a few small fees, that are reimbursable. So we talked about that, but I worry about having to deal with a lot behavior problems.

UPDATE: I wrote the previous stuff a few days ago, and never posted it. Today I just so happened to meet a lady who has adopted two children internationally. I have never known anyone who has adopted a child, and I could not believe that this woman that I have been working with in the same office-on Thursdays at the Women's Center-had adopted two of her children and I didn't even know it. She even adopted them from the same center Jessie and I have been looking at. She let me ask her all kinds of questions, and I am glad I did, because she was a very encouraging person. She told me that if I feel like God has laid it on my heart to do that, just pray about it, and He will give us a way to do that if that is what he wants. But, she said, "God's timing is not the same as our timing." And that is true, so she made me think about that, and how we are only 20. God willing, we have lots more time on this Earth to have babies, adopt children, fulfill our purpose in life...

She told me that she had to be 30 to adopt from China, but she is not sure about the age limit here. (I looked it up. My state is 21.) However, I don't think adoption is in our very near future. I told Jessie what I think is that we should go ahead and have another one. And then when we are 30 and 31, we should adopt a child around 4 or 5 years old. That just feels right to me. It would give us time to get fully established and comfortable. Sam would be older and so would our next one.

I have always wanted to adopt, off and on, but I have never been really serious about it. I just mention it in passing to Jessie. And then we never really looked into it. I have thought about fostering when we got a little older, but I don't think that is in the cards for us. I get attached to easy, and I just don't know how to deal with a lot of behavior problems that we would be bound to run in to. However, I really would like to adopt a child in the future. I do think that is possibly in the cards for us. There are so many children out there without a family, and that breaks my heart. I really want to keep researching it, and hopefully in the next 10 years, yes that is pretty long term, but I really hope we will be a position to give one of those children a home. 

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