Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Now that we are all settled in...

We are used to the house and all the excitement has died down. I really do like it here. We have had several normal days since I finished unpacking. Sam and I spend a lot of time in the living room since her room is so small. She just brings her toys in there and we listen to music, play games, and read. Seems like we have a lot more room to do stuff, but it isn't that bigger than the apartment, if you only include the living space unstairs. It is nice to know that we can go outside whenever we want to, and without being told that, "If she is going to be outside MY apartments, she needs to be quieter." Blah.

Anyway, Jessie mowed the yard yesterday. It looks okay. You can tell he hasn't mowed in awhile and he wanted to get it over with. lol. I pulled the weeds out of the garden. And the flowers that were dying. I want to dig up and replant some of the flowers in a line instead of randomly placed. But that will have to be on a cooler day. :)

I also see LOTS of homeschool opportunities around here for Sam. Nature is going to be a huge part of Sam's activities, already is, and we are able to find something different around here everywhere we turn. We have woods behind us, with SO many different trees and bushes, including balckberry bushes! And yesterday when we were pulling up the plants from the walkway garden, we found snails and looked at the different root systems. And she chose her favorites to add to her nature collection. We talked more about what root systems are for how trees and bushes have them too. We even have some wildife because of the woods. LOTS of spiders we have never seen before, but they pretty much stay outside. And raccoons. Rabbits. Different types of birds that we have never seen. Everything is right there for us!

We did have a little scare with the air conditioner. We thought it had stopped working. It wouldn't go below 81 in the house. So I was looking for someone to call and come out to fix it. But then I thought about how stupid it would be to spend $40.00 to have someone come look at it, and it be something stupid. So I used Google. lol. It was just the air filter needed to be changed. (We are used to the apartment doing that for us before that happens.) Luckily we already had a pack in the closet and we replaced it. It took a good bit of time for the house to cool back down, but I am just glad it didn't cost anything to fix it! 

Side Note: I have also had the chance to think a little more about Sam's birthday. I had the invites made. I just have to print them. Along with the banner, which says "Happy 4th Birthday, Samantha-Anne." We are having her birthday at the same playground we had it at last year. I think this year we may do like a 3 day birthday thing. I am not sure. I just know that if we have another one, we will not be able to do a whole week for both of them, so I figured I wanted to do it before we had another one though, so she doesn't feel like everything is being taken away from her because of a baby. Which, eh, I kinda feel like it is, moneywise, at least half way, but I am going to try my hardest not to when it comes to stuff like taking a bath with me and sleeping with us at night. I really don't want her to feel like I am kicking her out of my life...Anyway, I figured we could do a birthday dinner one day. Something fun, of her choice, the second day. And then of course her birthday party the 3rd day. I think that is fair.

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