Thursday, June 7, 2012


I am frustrated. Today sucked all the way around.

For one, I am not pregnant this month. :(

Two, I got a call today from the loan lady. (Which I have been counting down until Monday.) She told me we couldn't close until NEXT Friday. And that she needed xy and z papers. Because they are "missing." Well, I didn't lose them! I gave them to her! SO I  had to get them resigned. Then she said she never received ab and c papers. Well, that is because she didn't ask for them, until just now-last minute! So I  had to leave the Women's Center early today to drag Samantha all around town getting stuff signed and requesting paperwork. URG!

They need to get their crap together! The appraisor messed up the report two weeks ago and he STILL hasn't corrected it. And on top of that, BRIAN won't answer their calls-beacause he screens them-and he won't call them back to confirm that we have been there for a year or more and paid our rent on time every month! (WHICH WE DID!) And we can't close without it! So I had them call off my phone. He answered and he YELLED at the loan lady! WTF? SO unprofessional. He said he wasn't going to call the credit bureau like they were asking because he didn't HAVE to! She told him he did. And so he is trying to make it complicated! I didn't think he could cause problems for us anymore. Well, apparently he can!

And my grandparents are great about us staying here, but it's boring. They dont' do anything. And it isn't our house. It's just weird. I have been trying to stay out of the house and do stuff in Chattanooga while we are in the area, but sometimes we just want to chill, and it is hard to do that is someone else's house!

And I wouldn't be so irritated about them moving closing to the 15th, IF they were FOR SURE it was the 15th. They still said they STILL aren't for sure. We already had to extend the contract once, and if we do it again, I don't think the seller will agree! My lord, people. Get your crap together! It's your job!

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