Monday, February 7, 2011

V-Day Plans

I'm nervous...Jessie and I are going out for Valentine's Day on the 19th. We can't do it this weekend because my Dad is coming down to visit on the 12th, which is VERY rare. (Plus, we don't know if Jessie has to work that day.) And my brother is leaving for Basic Training that weekend and we are all going out to dinner together. SOOO....Anyway, we are going to go out on the 19th. Jessie asked my Mom to watch Samantha from 4:00 to 11:00, just to be safe. My Mom HATES it when we are like 1 minute late picking Samantha up, no matter what the reason. I made sure to make it clear that Samantha would NOT be spending the night. (I didn't think it would be fair for her to spend the night with my Mom since she can't spend the night with Jessie's Mom. Plus, I am just not ready.) Well, Jessie spoke up and said, "Ya. That sounds good. Samantha can spend the night with Brennon. And don't worry about it not being fair. Samantha will NEVER spend the night with my Mom." I tried to argue with him, but his mind was made up. =( So, I am nervous, but at the same time excited. We are going to go to the Hunter Art Museum. We LOVE museums, but we haven't been to this one. I feel sort of guilty because Samantha Loves museums too and she won't get to go...But this one is more for adults anyway. It isn't like Coke World or the Discovery Museum. So then we are going to dinner and probably walk around or something like we usually do since it is down town. I LOVE Che Burger Che Burger. Jessie and I order the biggest burger. (If you finish it, you get your picture on the wall.) We both finish it, but he always finishes first. I am a slow eater. My favorite part though is walking, if it isn't too cold. Because I LOVE talking. When we go on dates, we always talk nonstop about the best stuff. I went ahead and ordered him a video game and he got me another flashdrive, because we got our income tax in on Friday. We went ahead and paid everything off. It feel so good to be out of debt finally. Well, I guess that is it. I am going to go find something to do. I wish Wednesday would hurry up and get here so I could know something about that job!

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